Set item layout:

Draconic Crest of Elemental Mastery

wondrous item (amulet), uncommon (requires attunement by a dragonborn)

Draconic Crest of Elemental Mastery
Illustration: AI generated by Timmmi

This intricately crafted amulet bears the emblem of a majestic dragon in flight.

Elemental Affinity

You gain advantage on saving throws against effects related to your chosen Draconic Ancestry (Fire, Cold, Acid, Lightning, or Poison damage). Additionally, once per day when you take damage of this type you can use your reaction to gain immunity to that damage type for 1 minute.


In the time of ancient dragons, when the world was young and magic was wild and untamed, a powerful alliance between dragons and dragonborns was forged. In the heart of the Dragonspire Mountains, where the elemental energies of the world converged, a revered dragonborn smith named Thalgar crafted a legendary amulet, the Draconic Crest of Elemental Mastery.
Thalgar was a master artisan and a devout follower of the dragons, believing that the bond between dragonborn and dragon was sacred. With the blessings of a wise and ancient gold dragon named Aureliax, Thalgar forged the crest using scales from dragons of different elemental ancestries. Aureliax infused the amulet with the essence of the elements, binding the powers of fire, ice, acid, lightning, and poison into the crest.
As the amulet took shape, it absorbed the wisdom of the dragons, becoming a conduit for the ancient elemental forces. The Draconic Crest of Elemental Mastery became a symbol of unity between dragonborn and dragon, enhancing the natural abilities of the dragonborn and honoring the legacy of their draconic ancestors.
Throughout the ages, the amulet has passed down through generations of dragonborn heroes, its power growing as it resonates with the bloodline of the dragonborn wearers. Tales of its might spread far and wide, and those who seek to emulate the strength and wisdom of dragons embark on quests to find this legendary artifact.
Legends say that the Draconic Crest of Elemental Mastery is not just a mere magical item, but a living relic, attuned to the heartbeat of the world. It is said that when a dragonborn of noble spirit wears the crest, they can commune with the ancient dragons, seeking guidance and channeling the primal forces of the elements in their quests for justice and honor.
As the ages pass, the amulet remains a symbol of the unbreakable bond between dragonborn and dragon, a testament to the power of unity, and a reminder of the ancient, elemental forces that shape the world.
And so, the Draconic Crest of Elemental Mastery continues its legacy, waiting for the next worthy bearer to emerge and carry on the noble traditions of dragonkind.
Tags:acidactionadvantagecolddragonfirehistoryhumanoidimmunitylightninglorepoisonsaving throw

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