Set item layout:

Healing Box of the Ancient One

potion, very rare

Healing Box of the Ancient One
Illustration: AI generated by Timmmi

This small wooden box is adorned with mysterious symbols.The box contains a glowing green liquid that can heal wounds and cure diseases. The liquid is a manifestation of the ancient one's power and might have some side effects or hidden properties that are not fully understood by mortals.

Mysterious Liquid of Life

The liquid contained in the box possesses can heal wounds and cure diseases. As an action, you can open the box and touch the liquid to a creature within 5 feet of you. The liquid is absorbed through the skin and the creature regains hit points and is cured of any disease affecting it. The box then closes and cannot be opened again until the next dawn, when the liquid has reformed in the box.
When a creature is healed by the box they should roll a d100 and consult the table below:

Side Effects

d100Side Effect
The liquid also cures any poison or curse affecting the creature.
The liquid also grants resistance to psychic damage for 1 hour.
The liquid also gives the creature a +1 bonus to AC for 1 hour.
The liquid also increases the creature's movement speed by 10 feet for 1 hour.
The liquid also causes the creature to emit a faint glow for 1 hour.
The liquid also causes the creature to levitate 1 foot off the ground for 1 hour.
The liquid also makes the creature forget their name and identity for 1 minute.
The liquid also makes the creature speak in an unknown language for 1 minute.
The liquid also deals psychic damage to the creature.
The liquid also restores hit points to the creature.
Nothing happens.

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