Set item layout:
Matthew's Chalice of Generosity
wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
This silver chalice is engraved with the words “Give and you shall receive” and has a faint aura of divinity. It was created by Matthew, a cleric of Pelor who devoted his life to helping the poor and the sick.
The chalice has 3 charges and regains all charges at dawn.
Chalice of Healing
As an action, you can use one charge to pour holy water from the chalice and touch it to a creature within 5 feet of you. The creature regains + your Wisdom modifier (minimum 0) hit points and is cured of any disease or poison affecting it.Chalice of Sacrifice
As a part of this action you can choose to transfer any amount of your own hit points to the creature, up to half your current hit points. The damage you take from this cannot be reduced in any way.Tags:clericdiseasedhealingpatreonpoisoned