Set item layout:
weapon (any sword), very rare (requires attunement)

This sword has a pair of wings as its guard. The wings are enchanted to allow the sword to fly and extend your reach with it.
Magical Sword
The sword is magical and has a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls.Aerial Assault
Once per short rest, you can use a bonus action to activate the sword’s Aerial Assault feature. The blade detaches from the hilt and flies up to 30 feet in a direction you choose. As long as you are holding the hilt and you are within 60 feet of the blade, you can make melee attacks against any creature that is within 5 feet of the flying blade.On subsequent turns, you can use a bonus action to move the blade up to 30 feet in any direction. The blade can fly for 1 minute or until you use a bonus action to summon it back to you. You must be within 60 feet of the blade to summon it back. If you drop the hilt or move more than 60 feet away from the blade, the blade falls to the ground at its current location.
The skyblades are a rare and coveted type of magic sword, forged by the skyforgers, a secretive clan of aarakocra smiths. The skyforgers live in the highest peaks of the world, where they collect rare metals and gems from the clouds and the stars. They use their innate magic and their mastery of the wind to shape and enchant their weapons, imbuing them with the power of flight.
The skyblades are made from a special alloy of mithral and silver, which makes them light and strong. The wings are crafted from thin sheets of metal, shaped and curved to resemble feathers. The blades are infused with powdered sapphires and diamonds, which sparkle in the sunlight and enhance their magic.The skyblades are designed to be used by the skyforgers themselves, who value mobility and agility in combat. They use their swords to fly and strike from unexpected angles, confusing and overwhelming their enemies. The skyblades are also useful for scouting and exploration, as they can reach places that are otherwise inaccessible.
The skyblades are very rare, as the skyforgers do not share their secrets with anyone. They only make a few swords every year, and they protect them fiercely. They do not sell or trade their swords, but sometimes they gift them to those who earn their trust and respect. The skyblades are considered a great honor and a sign of friendship among the skyforgers.
The skyblades are also sought after by collectors and adventurers, who admire their beauty and power. Many have tried to replicate the swords, but none have succeeded.
Tags:+1+2bludgeoningbonus actionfinesseflyingheavylightloremartialmeleemelee attackranged attackslashingtwo-handedversatile