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Tome of Deceptive Tactics

wondrous item (book), rare

Tome of Deceptive Tactics

This book is filled with strategies, techniques, and examples that help improve your ability to deceive others. The book covers a wide range of topics, including how to convincingly hide the truth, how to mislead others through ambiguity, and how to tell outright lies.


If you spend 24 hours over a period of 6 days or fewer studying the book’s contents and practicing its guidelines, you gain proficiency in the Deception skill if you don’t already have it.

Expert Deceiver

If you spend 48 hours over a period of 6 days or fewer studying the book’s contents and practicing its guidelines, you gain expertise in the Deception skill, which means your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make that uses the Deception skill.

Dormant Tome

Once you have unlocked any of the tome's secrets, it then loses its magic at the end of the 6-day period, but regains it in a century. Only one creature can unlock the tome's secrets before it goes dormant.


Vex Shadowhorn, a wily Tiefling, inhabited the shadowed corners of Mirrormere. His twisted horns spiraled like ancient runes, and his eyes held secrets that danced between truth and illusion. Vex was no ordinary rogue; he was a master of deception, a virtuoso of misdirection.
Vex’s journey began in the bustling city of Mirrormere, where whispers of his silver tongue and beguiling charm spread like wildfire. He was no ordinary charlatan; his deceptions were woven with such intricate detail that even the most discerning could not untangle the threads of truth from lies.
Driven by an insatiable desire to perfect his craft, Vex delved into ancient texts and forbidden lore, seeking the secrets that would elevate his deceptions to legendary status. It was during one moonless night, in the shadowed alcoves of the Great Library of Arcanum, that Vex stumbled upon a tome unlike any other.
The book was unassuming in appearance, yet as Vex thumbed through its pages, he realized it was imbued with a subtle magic. It was a manual of deceit, a guide to mastering the art of illusion and manipulation. With each page turned, Vex felt his mind expand, his deceptions becoming ever more elaborate and undetectable.
For days and nights, Vex studied the tome, practicing its techniques until they became second nature. He became so adept that his name became synonymous with the very essence of deception. Yet, Vex knew that such power was not meant to be hoarded. He decided to pass on his knowledge, to create a legacy that would endure through the ages.
With quill in hand, Vex poured his insights into a new tome, one that would teach others the art of deception. He infused the book with a fragment of his own cunning, ensuring that only the most dedicated would unlock its full potential. And so, the “Tome of Deceptive Tactics” was born, a testament to the Tiefling’s mastery and a gift to those who would follow in his footsteps.
To this day, the tome circulates among rogues and spies, its pages shimmering with Vex’s cunning. And though the Tiefling himself remains a legend, his legacy thrives. For those who dare to read its secrets, the path to deception unfolds—one step closer to the heart of shadows.
Tags:ability checkconsumabledeceptionexpertiseloreno attunementproficiency

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