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Cassiodora's Sparkstick of Resurrection
rod, very rare (requires attunement)
This metal rod is about a foot long and has a small metal sphere at one end. The sphere is covered with tiny holes and emits a faint crackling sound. The rod feels warm to the touch and vibrates slightly when held. The rod is a powerful device that can store and release electrical energy, allowing the wielder to cast spells that can heal or revive the fallen. However, the rod is also unstable and prone to overloading if charged too much or too often.
While holding it and attuned to it, you can use an action to expend some of its charges to cast one of the following spells from it: (1 charge), (3 charges), or (5 charges). You must use the same material components and spend the same amount of time as if you were casting the spell normally
Charging the Rod
You can recharge the rod by casting lightning spells of 3rd level or higher at the rod. The spell is consumed by the rod and the level of the spell determines how many charges the rod regains:
3rd or 4th level: 1 charge
5th or 6th level: 3 charges
7th level or higher: 5 charges
You can also use your reaction to absorb some of the energy from a lightning spell of 3rd level or higher that hits you, reducing the damage you take by half and recharging the rod as above. The rod loses 1 charge at dawn as the stored energy dissipates.
While holding this rod, you can use an action to safely discharge all of its remaining charges into the ground. This does not harm anyone or anything, and it reset's the cumulative chance of a power surge.
Power Surge
Every time you recharge the rod, there is a cumulative 10% chance that it will malfunction and cause a power surge. This chance increases by 20% if you try to charge the rod beyond its maximum capacity. This chance resets to zero at dawn. If a power surge occurs, each creature within 15 feet of you must make a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw, taking lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Constructs made of metal and creatures wearing metal armor have disadvantage on this saving throw. The rod stops working until it is repaired.
Repairing the rod
To repair the rod after a power surge, you must succeed on a DC 23 check using tinker’s tools. You also need 1000 gp worth of rare conductive materials, which are consumed by the repair process regardless of whether you succeed or fail.
Illustration: AI generated by Timmmi
Cassiodora's Sparkstick of Resurrection
rod, very rare (requires attunement)
This metal rod is about a foot long and has a small metal sphere at one end. The sphere is covered with tiny holes and emits a faint crackling sound. The rod feels warm to the touch and vibrates slightly when held. The rod is a powerful device that can store and release electrical energy, allowing the wielder to cast spells that can heal or revive the fallen. However, the rod is also unstable and prone to overloading if charged too much or too often.
While holding it and attuned to it, you can use an action to expend some of its charges to cast one of the following spells from it: (1 charge), (3 charges), or (5 charges). You must use the same material components and spend the same amount of time as if you were casting the spell normally
Charging the Rod
You can recharge the rod by casting lightning spells of 3rd level or higher at the rod. The spell is consumed by the rod and the level of the spell determines how many charges the rod regains:
3rd or 4th level: 1 charge
5th or 6th level: 3 charges
7th level or higher: 5 charges
You can also use your reaction to absorb some of the energy from a lightning spell of 3rd level or higher that hits you, reducing the damage you take by half and recharging the rod as above. The rod loses 1 charge at dawn as the stored energy dissipates.
While holding this rod, you can use an action to safely discharge all of its remaining charges into the ground. This does not harm anyone or anything, and it reset's the cumulative chance of a power surge.
Power Surge
Every time you recharge the rod, there is a cumulative 10% chance that it will malfunction and cause a power surge. This chance increases by 20% if you try to charge the rod beyond its maximum capacity. This chance resets to zero at dawn. If a power surge occurs, each creature within 15 feet of you must make a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw, taking lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Constructs made of metal and creatures wearing metal armor have disadvantage on this saving throw. The rod stops working until it is repaired.
Repairing the rod
To repair the rod after a power surge, you must succeed on a DC 23 check using tinker’s tools. You also need 1000 gp worth of rare conductive materials, which are consumed by the repair process regardless of whether you succeed or fail.