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Gyro's mobile workstation
wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
This backpack looks like a normal leather backpack, but it contains a marvel of engineering and magic. It has all the tools and materials needed for any artisan to craft their masterpiece, including a small forge, an anvil, and an alchemy table. The backpack has a large number of pockets and compartments that can store items of various sizes and shapes.
The Mobile Workstation is attuned to you and only you can use its features. If anyone else tries to use it, they find it to be a normal backpack with some tools inside.
Mobile workstation
The backpack can be folded out to become much larger than its original size, creating a spacious workshop that can fit in a 10-foot square. This is done using a combination of origami and extradimensional storage. The workshop contains one set of each type of artisan’s tools and any other items that you have placed inside it. You can fold the workshop back into a backpack as an action.Enhanced crafting
When you use the Mobile Workstation to craft magic items or potions, the gold cost and crafting time is reduced by half. You can also use the workstation to repair damaged or broken items, as long as you have the appropriate materials.
Gyro's mobile workstation
wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)
This backpack looks like a normal leather backpack, but it contains a marvel of engineering and magic. It has all the tools and materials needed for any artisan to craft their masterpiece, including a small forge, an anvil, and an alchemy table. The backpack has a large number of pockets and compartments that can store items of various sizes and shapes.
The Mobile Workstation is attuned to you and only you can use its features. If anyone else tries to use it, they find it to be a normal backpack with some tools inside.
Mobile workstation
The backpack can be folded out to become much larger than its original size, creating a spacious workshop that can fit in a 10-foot square. This is done using a combination of origami and extradimensional storage. The workshop contains one set of each type of artisan’s tools and any other items that you have placed inside it. You can fold the workshop back into a backpack as an action.
Gyro's mobile workstation
wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
This backpack looks like a normal leather backpack, but it contains a marvel of engineering and magic. It has all the tools and materials needed for any artisan to craft their masterpiece, including a small forge, an anvil, and an alchemy table. The backpack has a large number of pockets and compartments that can store items of various sizes and shapes.
The Mobile Workstation is attuned to you and only you can use its features. If anyone else tries to use it, they find it to be a normal backpack with some tools inside.
Mobile workstation
The backpack can be folded out to become much larger than its original size, creating a spacious workshop that can fit in a 10-foot square. This is done using a combination of origami and extradimensional storage. The workshop contains one set of each type of artisan’s tools and any other items that you have placed inside it. You can fold the workshop back into a backpack as an action.Enhanced crafting
When you use the Mobile Workstation to craft magic items or potions, the gold cost and crafting time is reduced by half. You can also use the workstation to repair damaged or broken items, as long as you have the appropriate materials.
Gyro's mobile workstation
wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)
This backpack looks like a normal leather backpack, but it contains a marvel of engineering and magic. It has all the tools and materials needed for any artisan to craft their masterpiece, including a small forge, an anvil, and an alchemy table. The backpack has a large number of pockets and compartments that can store items of various sizes and shapes.
The Mobile Workstation is attuned to you and only you can use its features. If anyone else tries to use it, they find it to be a normal backpack with some tools inside.