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Hand of Extension

wondrous item, uncommon

This item consists of a metal rod with a wooden handle and a fully articulated mechanical hand at the other end. The hand can be used to grasp objects as if it were a real hand, though it cannot perform delicate tasks.

Extended Reach

While wielding a weapon in the mechanical hand, your reach for attacks with that weapon increases by 5 feet.

Limited Dexterity

The hand's mechanical workings are not as precise as a natural limb. When wielding a weapon in the Hand of Extension, you suffer a -2 penalty to attack rolls.

Object Interaction

The hand can be used to manipulate objects at a distance. As an action, you can command the hand to open or close its grasp, or perform simple tasks like activating levers or pressing buttons within 10 feet of you. The hand can exert up to 20 pounds of force or carry 20 pounds of weight.
Illustration: AI generated by Timmmi
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Hand of Extension

wondrous item, uncommon

This item consists of a metal rod with a wooden handle and a fully articulated mechanical hand at the other end. The hand can be used to grasp objects as if it were a real hand, though it cannot perform delicate tasks.

Extended Reach

While wielding a weapon in the mechanical hand, your reach for attacks with that weapon increases by 5 feet.

Limited Dexterity

The hand's mechanical workings are not as precise as a natural limb. When wielding a weapon in the Hand of Extension, you suffer a -2 penalty to attack rolls.

Object Interaction

The hand can be used to manipulate objects at a distance. As an action, you can command the hand to open or close its grasp, or perform simple tasks like activating levers or pressing buttons within 10 feet of you. The hand can exert up to 20 pounds of force or carry 20 pounds of weight.
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Hand of Extension

wondrous item, rare

This item consists of a metal rod with a wooden handle and a fully articulated mechanical hand at the other end. The hand can be used to grasp objects as if it were a real hand, though it cannot perform delicate tasks.

Extended Reach

While wielding a weapon in the mechanical hand, your reach for attacks with that weapon increases by 5 feet.

Limited Dexterity

The hand's mechanical workings are not as precise as a natural limb. When wielding a weapon in the Hand of Extension, you suffer a -1 penalty to attack rolls.

Object Interaction

The hand can be used to manipulate objects at a distance. As an action, you can command the hand to open or close its grasp, or perform simple tasks like activating levers or pressing buttons within 10 feet of you. The hand can exert up to 50 pounds of force or carry 50 pounds of weight.
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Hand of Extension

wondrous item, very rare

This item consists of a metal rod with a wooden handle and a fully articulated mechanical hand at the other end. The hand can be used to grasp objects as if it were a real hand, though it cannot perform delicate tasks.

Telescopic Reach

While wielding a weapon in the mechanical hand, your reach for attacks with that weapon increases by 10 feet.

Limited Dexterity

The hand's mechanical workings are not as precise as a natural limb. When wielding a weapon in the Hand of Extension, you suffer a -1 penalty to attack rolls.

Object Interaction

The hand can be used to manipulate objects at a distance. As an action, you can command the hand to open or close its grasp, or perform simple tasks like activating levers or pressing buttons within 15 feet of you. The hand can exert up to 100 pounds of force or carry 100 pounds of weight.

Reach Around

The Hand of Extension is equipped with a special joint that allows you to manipulate objects or make attacks around a corner or obstacle that would normally be obstructed.

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