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Ability Score Increase

One ability score of your choice increases by 2, and another increases by 1.


Myconids have a different lifecycle compared to most humanoid races. They mature rapidly, reaching adulthood within a few years of their sporeling stage. Myconids can live incredibly long lives, with some elder Myconids known to be over 500 years old. However, they don’t view time or aging in the same way as other creatures, often seeing themselves as part of a larger cycle of growth, decay, and rebirth.
  • Maturity: Myconids reach adulthood by age 5.
  • Lifespan: They typically live up to 500 years, with some elders living even longer in ideal conditions.


Myconids tend to lean towards neutrality in their outlook. As creatures closely tied to nature, they value balance and harmony within their environment. They typically prioritize the well-being of their community and their role in the natural world over concepts of good, evil, law, or chaos.
Typical Alignment: Neutral, tending toward Neutral Good or Lawful Neutral
  • Neutral Good: Myconids who focus on fostering life, growth, and a sense of collective harmony.
  • Lawful Neutral: Myconids who adhere to the order and natural cycles of decay, rebirth, and the laws of the fungal colonies they come from.
While these are common tendencies, individual Myconids who venture beyond their colonies might develop their own unique perspectives, shaped by their experiences in the broader world.

Creature type

You are a plant.


You are Medium or Small. You choose the size when you select this race.


Your walking speed is 30 feet.


Your connection to the darkness of the underground has honed your senses beyond that of most creatures. You have Darkvision with a range of 120 feet.

Spore Communication

You can read and write Common. Myconids communicate through spores they release, allowing them to share thoughts directly. You can telepathically communicate with any creature within 30 feet of you that has a language by releasing spores as long as you and the target remain within that distance.

Mycinoid Resilience

You have resistance to poison damage, and you have advantage on saving throws against being poisoned.

Fungal nature

You don't need to eat or drink, as you sustain yourself by absorbing nutrients from the soil and the air.


You have access to special abilities that utilize the natural spores you produce. When you finish a long rest, you can choose one of the following abilities:
  • Pacifying Spores: As an action, you can release calming spores at a creature within 10 feet of you. The target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw (DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier) or be charmed by you for 1 minute or until it takes damage.
  • Animating Spores: As an action, you can target one Small or Medium humanoid corpse within 10 feet of you and release spores that animate it as a spore servant under your control for 1 hour. The spore servant uses the statistics of a zombie and acts immediately after your turn in the initiative order. It obeys your mental commands (no action required).
  • Symbiotic Healing: As an action, you can touch a creature and release spores that aid in their natural recovery. The creature regains hit points equal to your level.
Once you use this trait, you can’t do so again until you finish a long rest.

Sun Sickness

While Myconids are creatures of darkness, sunlight is a deadly threat to them. When exposed to direct sunlight, you are affected in the following ways:
  • Disadvantage on Checks: You have disadvantage on all ability checks, attack rolls, and saving throws while you are in direct sunlight.
  • Sunlight Exposure: If you remain in direct sunlight for 1 continuous hour, you begin to suffer from extreme fatigue as your body breaks down. When this hour ends, you must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or gain one level of exhaustion. You repeat this saving throw every hour you stay in sunlight, with the DC increasing by 1 for each subsequent hour.
Illustration: Dall-E
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Myconids, also known as mushroom folk, are enigmatic beings born from the fertile depths of the earth. Emerging from the dark and damp caverns of the Underdark or shaded forest groves, they are creatures of both tranquility and mystery, embodying the slow and steady pulse of nature's hidden cycles. Each Myconid is a walking symbiosis, an extension of the fungal colonies from which they grow, and they view themselves as part of a larger network that connects all living things. Though their appearance might be alien to most, with mushroom caps, root-like tendrils, and fungal growths adorning their forms, they are guided by a philosophy of peace, balance, and mutual growth.
For most Myconids, life within the safety of their colony is all they know and need. These tranquil beings are content to tend to their fungal gardens, commune with their kin, and maintain the delicate balance of their ecosystem. The idea of leaving their tightly knit community is almost unthinkable to many. Yet, on rare occasions, a Myconid may find themselves compelled to journey beyond their home. Whether through curiosity, a sense of duty, a threat to their colony, or an unexplained calling from the greater network of life, these wanderers step into the sunlight-bound world with both trepidation and wonder.
As a Myconid adventurer, consider why you have chosen such an unusual path. Perhaps you were exiled from your colony for reasons that still haunt you, or maybe you felt a growing urge to understand the mysteries beyond the underground caverns. Were you driven by a vision or message received through your spores? Is your journey a mission to find a cure for a blight that threatens your kin or a quest to reclaim something lost to your people? Whatever your reason, your decision to leave the colony marks you as different, even among the most curious of your kind.

Myconid Character Traits

1Mushroom Cap: You have a large, colorful mushroom cap on your head, speckled with bioluminescent spots that glow softly in the dark.
2Spore Clouds: When you're excited or nervous, tiny clouds of harmless spores puff out from your skin, drifting in the air around you.
3Fungal Growths: Small mushrooms and toadstools grow from your arms and shoulders, changing color with the seasons or your mood.
4Earthy Scent: You emit a faint, earthy scent that reminds others of damp soil and fallen leaves after a rainstorm.
5Rhizome Feet: Your feet resemble tangled roots that make soft crunching sounds when you walk over dry leaves or soil.
6Ancient Eyes: Your eyes have the appearance of polished amber or deep emerald, with small flecks of light that shimmer within them.
7Speech Pattern: You often pause mid-sentence, as if listening to a silent voice, and your speech has a rhythmic, almost musical quality.
8Lichen Skin: Your skin is covered in patches of green or gray lichen that changes hues based on the environment or your mood.
9Symbiotic Companion: A tiny insect or small creature lives on your body, feeding on your spores and acting as a loyal companion.
10Slow Movements: You move with the deliberate slowness of nature itself, as if every action you take is carefully considered.
11Hollow Voice: Your voice has a hollow, echoing quality, like wind blowing through a cavern or leaves rustling in a forest.
12Connected Senses: You can sometimes feel the presence of other plants or fungi nearby, as if they were extensions of your own body.
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Ability Score Increase

One ability score of your choice increases by 2, and another increases by 1.


Myconids have a different lifecycle compared to most humanoid races. They mature rapidly, reaching adulthood within a few years of their sporeling stage. Myconids can live incredibly long lives, with some elder Myconids known to be over 500 years old. However, they don’t view time or aging in the same way as other creatures, often seeing themselves as part of a larger cycle of growth, decay, and rebirth.
  • Maturity: Myconids reach adulthood by age 5.
  • Lifespan: They typically live up to 500 years, with some elders living even longer in ideal conditions.


Myconids tend to lean towards neutrality in their outlook. As creatures closely tied to nature, they value balance and harmony within their environment. They typically prioritize the well-being of their community and their role in the natural world over concepts of good, evil, law, or chaos.
Typical Alignment: Neutral, tending toward Neutral Good or Lawful Neutral
  • Neutral Good: Myconids who focus on fostering life, growth, and a sense of collective harmony.
  • Lawful Neutral: Myconids who adhere to the order and natural cycles of decay, rebirth, and the laws of the fungal colonies they come from.
While these are common tendencies, individual Myconids who venture beyond their colonies might develop their own unique perspectives, shaped by their experiences in the broader world.

Creature type

You are a plant.


You are Medium or Small. You choose the size when you select this race.


Your walking speed is 30 feet.


Your connection to the darkness of the underground has honed your senses beyond that of most creatures. You have Darkvision with a range of 120 feet.

Spore Communication

You can read and write Common. Myconids communicate through spores they release, allowing them to share thoughts directly. You can telepathically communicate with any creature within 30 feet of you that has a language by releasing spores as long as you and the target remain within that distance.

Mycinoid Resilience

You have resistance to poison damage, and you have advantage on saving throws against being poisoned.

Fungal nature

You don't need to eat or drink, as you sustain yourself by absorbing nutrients from the soil and the air.


You have access to special abilities that utilize the natural spores you produce. When you finish a long rest, you can choose one of the following abilities:
  • Pacifying Spores: As an action, you can release calming spores at a creature within 10 feet of you. The target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw (DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier) or be charmed by you for 1 minute or until it takes damage.
  • Animating Spores: As an action, you can target one Small or Medium humanoid corpse within 10 feet of you and release spores that animate it as a spore servant under your control for 1 hour. The spore servant uses the statistics of a zombie and acts immediately after your turn in the initiative order. It obeys your mental commands (no action required).
  • Symbiotic Healing: As an action, you can touch a creature and release spores that aid in their natural recovery. The creature regains hit points equal to your level.
Once you use this trait, you can’t do so again until you finish a long rest.

Sun Sickness

While Myconids are creatures of darkness, sunlight is a deadly threat to them. When exposed to direct sunlight, you are affected in the following ways:
  • Disadvantage on Checks: You have disadvantage on all ability checks, attack rolls, and saving throws while you are in direct sunlight.
  • Sunlight Exposure: If you remain in direct sunlight for 1 continuous hour, you begin to suffer from extreme fatigue as your body breaks down. When this hour ends, you must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or gain one level of exhaustion. You repeat this saving throw every hour you stay in sunlight, with the DC increasing by 1 for each subsequent hour.

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