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weapon (siege), legendary
This enormous cannon stands as a monument to the sanctity of friendship and loyalty, specifically dedicated to protecting Finn, the enchanted fish.
To operate this colossal cannon, a crew of at least 20 skilled individuals is required. Due to it's gargantuan size it must be assembled on a flat surface and cannot be moved by any means unless it's first disassembled.Loading and Firing
The No-Friend-Of-Finn-Flinger operates in a unique manner, utilizing creatures as its ammunition. Any creature who tries to (or succeeds at) eating Finn qualifies as ammunition and can be loaded into the cannon. It takes 1 minute to charge and aim before launching the offender a great distance away.Activation occurs via a command word spoken by the attuned owner of Finn or anyone holding Finn's bottle
This cannon has an impressive range of 100 miles. When fired, the launched individual travels in a long arc until they finally impact solid ground. The launched individual and any creature or structure they hit, takes bludgeoning damage per mile traveled.
Constructing or relocating the cannon demands an enormous investment of time, resources, and expertise, taking weeks or even months of dedicated effort by a skilled crew. The cannon's immense size demands a 40-foot square space for assembly. Once constructed, this legendary cannon stands as an impenetrable fortress, impervious to all forms of damage.
weapon (siege), legendary
This enormous cannon stands as a monument to the sanctity of friendship and loyalty, specifically dedicated to protecting Finn, the enchanted fish.
To operate this colossal cannon, a crew of at least 20 skilled individuals is required. Due to it's gargantuan size it must be assembled on a flat surface and cannot be moved by any means unless it's first disassembled.Loading and Firing
The No-Friend-Of-Finn-Flinger operates in a unique manner, utilizing creatures as its ammunition. Any creature who tries to (or succeeds at) eating Finn qualifies as ammunition and can be loaded into the cannon. It takes 1 minute to charge and aim before launching the offender a great distance away.Activation occurs via a command word spoken by the attuned owner of Finn or anyone holding Finn's bottle
This cannon has an impressive range of 100 miles. When fired, the launched individual travels in a long arc until they finally impact solid ground. The launched individual and any creature or structure they hit, takes bludgeoning damage per mile traveled.