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Pirate Captain's Hat

wondrous item (headgear), very rare (requires attunement)

This hat is a symbol of power and adventure, worn by the most daring and cunning pirates of the seas. It is made of black fabric with gold trim, giving it a sleek and elegant look. The most striking feature of the hat is the large golden skull set in the center, which glitters in the light and intimidates any foes.


You gain proficiency with water vehicles while wearing this hat.

Captain Feathers

Once per day you can cast Find Familiar (conjuration)
Level: 1
Casting Time: 1 hour
Concentration: No
Ritual: Yes

Summon a small animal that obeys the caster and telepathically shares his senses with him.

View on
to summon a Parrot Familiar.


You have advantage on Charisma (Persuasion) checks made against hostile creatures while wearing this hat.
Illustration: AI generated by Timmmi
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Pirate Captain's Hat

wondrous item (headgear), rare (requires attunement)

This hat is a symbol of power and adventure, worn by the most daring and cunning pirates of the seas. It is made of black fabric with gold trim, giving it a sleek and elegant look. The most striking feature of the hat is the large golden skull set in the center, which glitters in the light and intimidates any foes.


You gain proficiency with water vehicles while wearing this hat.

Captain Feathers

Once per day you can cast Find Familiar (conjuration)
Level: 1
Casting Time: 1 hour
Concentration: No
Ritual: Yes

Summon a small animal that obeys the caster and telepathically shares his senses with him.

View on
to summon a Parrot Familiar.
background image

Pirate Captain's Hat

wondrous item (headgear), very rare (requires attunement)

This hat is a symbol of power and adventure, worn by the most daring and cunning pirates of the seas. It is made of black fabric with gold trim, giving it a sleek and elegant look. The most striking feature of the hat is the large golden skull set in the center, which glitters in the light and intimidates any foes.


You gain proficiency with water vehicles while wearing this hat.

Captain Feathers

Once per day you can cast Find Familiar (conjuration)
Level: 1
Casting Time: 1 hour
Concentration: No
Ritual: Yes

Summon a small animal that obeys the caster and telepathically shares his senses with him.

View on
to summon a Parrot Familiar.


You have advantage on Charisma (Persuasion) checks made against hostile creatures while wearing this hat.
background image

Pirate Captain's Hat

wondrous item (headgear), legendary (requires attunement)

This hat is a symbol of power and adventure, worn by the most daring and cunning pirates of the seas. It is made of black fabric with gold trim, giving it a sleek and elegant look. The most striking feature of the hat is the large golden skull set in the center, which glitters in the light and intimidates any foes.

Expert Navigator

You gain proficiency with water vehicles while wearing this hat, and your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make that uses this proficiency.

Captain Feathers

Once per day you can cast Find Familiar (conjuration)
Level: 1
Casting Time: 1 hour
Concentration: No
Ritual: Yes

Summon a small animal that obeys the caster and telepathically shares his senses with him.

View on
to summon a Parrot Familiar.


You have advantage on Charisma (Persuasion) checks made against hostile creatures while wearing this hat. Additionally you can treat any dice roll of 1-9 as a 10 when you use this feature.

Treasure sense

Your nose can detect the scent of gold and precious gems within 1000 feet of you. You can sense the approximate direction and distance to the source of the smell, as well as a vague estimate of the amount of treasure. The smell is only noticeable if the treasure has a total value of at least 500 gold.

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