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Syringe Dart
weapon (dart), uncommon
This dart has a hollow metal tip that can be filled with a liquid, such as a potion, poison, or acid.
Load the syringe
You can use an action to fill the syringe dart with up to 1 ounce of liquid from a vial or flask. Once filled, the syringe dart retains the liquid until it is used or emptied. You can use a bonus action to empty the syringe dart without using it.The syringe dart can be reused if you recover it after using it, but you must clean it with water before filling it with a different liquid.
When you hit a creature with a syringe dart, the creature takes the darts normal damage, plus any additional effects from the liquid in the syringe dart. For example, if the syringe dart contains a potion of healing, the creature regains hit points; if the syringe dart contains a poison, the creature must make a saving throw against the poison's DC or suffer its effects.Gentle Prick
You can choose to throw the syringe dart gently to deal no damage on impact, but you must make the attack roll with disadvantage and you cannot exceed the dart's short range (20 feet). If the target is an ally, they can use their reaction to move into the dart's path, guaranteeing a hit.
Syringe Dart
weapon (dart), uncommon
This dart has a hollow metal tip that can be filled with a liquid, such as a potion, poison, or acid.
Load the syringe
You can use an action to fill the syringe dart with up to 1 ounce of liquid from a vial or flask. Once filled, the syringe dart retains the liquid until it is used or emptied. You can use a bonus action to empty the syringe dart without using it.The syringe dart can be reused if you recover it after using it, but you must clean it with water before filling it with a different liquid.
When you hit a creature with a syringe dart, the creature takes the darts normal damage, plus any additional effects from the liquid in the syringe dart. For example, if the syringe dart contains a potion of healing, the creature regains hit points; if the syringe dart contains a poison, the creature must make a saving throw against the poison's DC or suffer its effects.Gentle Prick
You can choose to throw the syringe dart gently to deal no damage on impact, but you must make the attack roll with disadvantage and you cannot exceed the dart's short range (20 feet). If the target is an ally, they can use their reaction to move into the dart's path, guaranteeing a hit.
Syringe Dart
weapon (dart), rare
This dart has a hollow metal tip that can be filled with a liquid, such as a potion, poison, or acid.
Magic Weapon
You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.Load the syringe
You can use an action to fill the syringe dart with up to 1 ounce of liquid from a vial or flask. Once filled, the syringe dart retains the liquid until it is used or emptied. You can use a bonus action to empty the syringe dart without using it.The syringe dart can be reused if you recover it after using it, but you must clean it with water before filling it with a different liquid.
When you hit a creature with a syringe dart, the creature takes the darts normal damage, plus any additional effects from the liquid in the syringe dart. For example, if the syringe dart contains a potion of healing, the creature regains hit points; if the syringe dart contains a poison, the creature must make a saving throw against the poison's DC or suffer its effects.Gentle Prick
You can choose to throw the syringe dart gently to deal no damage on impact, but you must make the attack roll with disadvantage and you cannot exceed the dart's short range (20 feet). If the target is an ally, they can use their reaction to move into the dart's path, guaranteeing a hit.Extract Essence
The syringe can be used to extract blood (or life essence) from a creature, alive or killed within the last hour. The process takes 1 minute. This blood can then be used as a potion, granting the drinker the same resistances or immunities that the creature had. The effect lasts for 1 hour.
Syringe Dart
weapon (dart), very rare
This dart has a hollow metal tip that can be filled with a liquid, such as a potion, poison, or acid.
Magic Weapon
You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.Load the syringe
You can use an action to fill the syringe dart with up to 1 ounce of liquid from a vial or flask. Once filled, the syringe dart retains the liquid until it is used or emptied. You can use a bonus action to empty the syringe dart without using it.The syringe dart can be reused if you recover it after using it, but you must clean it with water before filling it with a different liquid.
When you hit a creature with a syringe dart, the creature takes the darts normal damage, plus any additional effects from the liquid in the syringe dart. For example, if the syringe dart contains a potion of healing, the creature regains hit points; if the syringe dart contains a poison, the creature must make a saving throw against the poison's DC or suffer its effects.Gentle Prick
You can choose to throw the syringe dart gently to deal no damage on impact, but you must make the attack roll with disadvantage and you cannot exceed the dart's short range (20 feet). If the target is an ally, they can use their reaction to move into the dart's path, guaranteeing a hit.Extract Essence
The syringe can be used to extract blood (or life essence) from a creature, alive or killed within the last hour. The process takes 1 minute. This blood can then be used as a potion, granting the drinker the same resistances or immunities that the creature had. The effect lasts for 1 hour.Extract Hazard
You can use an action to draw out hazardous fluids from a creature. If the target creature is affected by poisons, toxins, or similar substances that cause one of the following conditions, you can draw it out and end the condition: Blinded, Charmed, Incapacitated, Paralyzed, Petrified, Poisoned, Restrained, Stunned, Unconscious.Once you use this feature, the syringe must be thoroughly cleaned before it can be filled with other liquids, or else you risk that the liquid becomes tainted and behaves unpredictably.