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The Eye of Malice
wondrous item (amulet), legendary (requires attunement by an evil creature)
This amulet is a legendary artifact of evil that grants its wearer great power and influence over others, but at a terrible cost. The amulet was forged by a dark cult that worshipped an ancient entity known as Malice, a being of pure hatred and malice that seeks to spread its influence across the world. The cult sacrificed countless victims to imbue the amulet with Malice’s essence, and the amulet became a conduit for its will.
Charismatic Influence
You have advantage on Charisma checks and saving throws.Malice’s Spells
You can cast the following spells without using spell slots or components: , , , , and . You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of once), and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.Malice’s Servant
You can use an action to activate the eye in the center of the amulet. When you do so, choose an unoccupied space within 60 feet of you that you can see. A creature of Malice appears in that space and acts as your ally. The creature is a fiend of your choice with a challenge rating equal of 9 or lower (such as a horned devil or a bone devil). The creature obeys your verbal commands and acts on your initiative count. The creature disappears when it drops to 0 hit points or after 1 minute. Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.Malice’s Curse
However, the amulet also has a curse that affects anyone who wears it for more than 24 hours. The curse can’t be removed by any means short of a wish spell or divine intervention. The curse has the following effects:- Obsession. You become obsessed with the amulet and its power, and you refuse to part with it willingly. You also become paranoid and distrustful of anyone who shows interest in the amulet or tries to take it from you.
- Voice of Malice. You start to hear Malice’s voice in your mind, whispering dark thoughts and commands. Malice tries to persuade you to do its bidding, which usually involves spreading fear, hatred, and violence wherever you go. Occasionally, the amulet will try to command you to do a specific act of evil or Malice’s bidding. When this happens, you must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or be compelled to follow the command until you complete it or until an hour passes. If you succeed on the saving throw, you are immune to this effect for 24 hours.
- Twisted Form. You begin to physically transform into a twisted reflection of Malice’s form. Your skin becomes pale and sickly, and your eyes turn black with green pupils.

The Eye of Malice
wondrous item (amulet), legendary (requires attunement by an evil creature)
This amulet is a legendary artifact of evil that grants its wearer great power and influence over others, but at a terrible cost. The amulet was forged by a dark cult that worshipped an ancient entity known as Malice, a being of pure hatred and malice that seeks to spread its influence across the world. The cult sacrificed countless victims to imbue the amulet with Malice’s essence, and the amulet became a conduit for its will.
Charismatic Influence
You have advantage on Charisma checks and saving throws.Malice’s Spells
You can cast the following spells without using spell slots or components: , , , , and . You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of once), and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.Malice’s Servant
You can use an action to activate the eye in the center of the amulet. When you do so, choose an unoccupied space within 60 feet of you that you can see. A creature of Malice appears in that space and acts as your ally. The creature is a fiend of your choice with a challenge rating equal of 9 or lower (such as a horned devil or a bone devil). The creature obeys your verbal commands and acts on your initiative count. The creature disappears when it drops to 0 hit points or after 1 minute. Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.Malice’s Curse
However, the amulet also has a curse that affects anyone who wears it for more than 24 hours. The curse can’t be removed by any means short of a wish spell or divine intervention. The curse has the following effects:- Obsession. You become obsessed with the amulet and its power, and you refuse to part with it willingly. You also become paranoid and distrustful of anyone who shows interest in the amulet or tries to take it from you.
- Voice of Malice. You start to hear Malice’s voice in your mind, whispering dark thoughts and commands. Malice tries to persuade you to do its bidding, which usually involves spreading fear, hatred, and violence wherever you go. Occasionally, the amulet will try to command you to do a specific act of evil or Malice’s bidding. When this happens, you must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or be compelled to follow the command until you complete it or until an hour passes. If you succeed on the saving throw, you are immune to this effect for 24 hours.
- Twisted Form. You begin to physically transform into a twisted reflection of Malice’s form. Your skin becomes pale and sickly, and your eyes turn black with green pupils.