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The Silver Eye
wondrous item, legendary (requires attunement)
A gleaming disk of silver that reflects more than reality. It is framed by simple wood and hung by a leather cord, but its true value lies in its enchantment. Once belonging to a mighty witch or a cunning archfey, this mirror reveals the deepest desires of those who look into it. Some see wealth, some see power, some see love. But beware, for the mirror may also show you what you fear the most.
Mirror Magic
The mirror has 10 charges and regains expended charges daily at dawn. While attuned to it, you can use an action and expend one or more charges to cast one of the following spells from it (save DC 18): (1 charge), (2 charges), (2 charges), (5 charges), or (5 charges).Heart's Desire
As an action you can expend all 10 charges and ask the mirror a question about your deepest desire, such as how to obtain it, where to find it, or who can help you with it. The mirror shows you a clear and truthful vision of the answer.Mirror Trap
As an action you can use all 10 charges to you touch the mirror and speak a command word to trap a creature that you can see within 30 feet of you inside it. The target must make a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw or be sucked into the mirror. The target is trapped in a demiplane that looks like its worst nightmare and can’t see or hear anything outside the mirror. On each of its turns, the target makes a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw. If it fails, it takes psychic damage from its fears. If it succeeds, it takes half as much damage and can escape the mirror and return to where it was.Fey Bargain
The mirror is also a conduit for original owner’s influence. Whenever you cast a spell from it or activate one of its effects, roll a d20. On a 1, a witch or archfey contacts you telepathically and offers you a deal: they will grant you one if you agree to do something for them in return. The nature of her request is up to the DM’s discretion, but it should be something dangerous, unethical, or detrimental to your goals or allies. If you accept their offer, they will grant your . If you decline her offer or ignore their contact, they becomes angry and curse you with one of the following effects (DM’s choice, or determined randomly by rolling on the table below).This curse can not be removed by a simple remove curse spell. It can only be removed by a wish spell or divine intervention, or the aid of other powerful beings who may be able to remove the curse.
Curse Table
Roll | Curse | ||
1 | Whenever you finish a long rest you must make a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw or forget anything that happened the previous day. | ||
2 | You become obsessed with the mirror and refuse to part with it or let anyone else touch it. You spend all your free time gazing into it and neglecting your other duties and relationships. | ||
3 | You become paranoid and distrustful of everyone around you. You believe that they are all plotting to take the mirror from you or use it against you. You may even accuse your allies of being impostors or enemies in disguise. | ||
4 | You lose your ability to lie or keep secrets. Whenever you speak, you must tell the truth as you know it, even if it is harmful or embarrassing for you or others. You also have disadvantage on all Charisma (Deception) checks and saving throws against effects that detect your thoughts or emotions. | ||
5 | You develop a phobia of mirrors and other reflective surfaces. You have disadvantage on all Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight and must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw whenever you see your reflection or risk being frightened for 1 minute. | ||
6 | Whenever you look into the mirror or use one of it’s properties you must make a DC 18 wisdom saving throw. On a fail you become convinced that you are under the effect of an invisibility spell, even if you are not. This delusion lasts for hours, during which you act as if you were invisible. However, anyone who can see you can still perceive you as normal and can interact with you normally. |

The Silver Eye
wondrous item, legendary (requires attunement)
A gleaming disk of silver that reflects more than reality. It is framed by simple wood and hung by a leather cord, but its true value lies in its enchantment. Once belonging to a mighty witch or a cunning archfey, this mirror reveals the deepest desires of those who look into it. Some see wealth, some see power, some see love. But beware, for the mirror may also show you what you fear the most.
Mirror Magic
The mirror has 10 charges and regains expended charges daily at dawn. While attuned to it, you can use an action and expend one or more charges to cast one of the following spells from it (save DC 18): (1 charge), (2 charges), (2 charges), (5 charges), or (5 charges).Heart's Desire
As an action you can expend all 10 charges and ask the mirror a question about your deepest desire, such as how to obtain it, where to find it, or who can help you with it. The mirror shows you a clear and truthful vision of the answer.Mirror Trap
As an action you can use all 10 charges to you touch the mirror and speak a command word to trap a creature that you can see within 30 feet of you inside it. The target must make a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw or be sucked into the mirror. The target is trapped in a demiplane that looks like its worst nightmare and can’t see or hear anything outside the mirror. On each of its turns, the target makes a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw. If it fails, it takes psychic damage from its fears. If it succeeds, it takes half as much damage and can escape the mirror and return to where it was.Fey Bargain
The mirror is also a conduit for original owner’s influence. Whenever you cast a spell from it or activate one of its effects, roll a d20. On a 1, a witch or archfey contacts you telepathically and offers you a deal: they will grant you one if you agree to do something for them in return. The nature of her request is up to the DM’s discretion, but it should be something dangerous, unethical, or detrimental to your goals or allies. If you accept their offer, they will grant your . If you decline her offer or ignore their contact, they becomes angry and curse you with one of the following effects (DM’s choice, or determined randomly by rolling on the table below).This curse can not be removed by a simple remove curse spell. It can only be removed by a wish spell or divine intervention, or the aid of other powerful beings who may be able to remove the curse.
Curse Table
Roll | Curse | ||
1 | Whenever you finish a long rest you must make a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw or forget anything that happened the previous day. | ||
2 | You become obsessed with the mirror and refuse to part with it or let anyone else touch it. You spend all your free time gazing into it and neglecting your other duties and relationships. | ||
3 | You become paranoid and distrustful of everyone around you. You believe that they are all plotting to take the mirror from you or use it against you. You may even accuse your allies of being impostors or enemies in disguise. | ||
4 | You lose your ability to lie or keep secrets. Whenever you speak, you must tell the truth as you know it, even if it is harmful or embarrassing for you or others. You also have disadvantage on all Charisma (Deception) checks and saving throws against effects that detect your thoughts or emotions. | ||
5 | You develop a phobia of mirrors and other reflective surfaces. You have disadvantage on all Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight and must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw whenever you see your reflection or risk being frightened for 1 minute. | ||
6 | Whenever you look into the mirror or use one of it’s properties you must make a DC 18 wisdom saving throw. On a fail you become convinced that you are under the effect of an invisibility spell, even if you are not. This delusion lasts for hours, during which you act as if you were invisible. However, anyone who can see you can still perceive you as normal and can interact with you normally. |