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Trinket of Unruly Magic

wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement by a wild magic sorcerer or barbarian)

This small, enchanted charm—whether a carved wooden token, a shimmering crystal, or a braided band of hair—thrums with chaotic energy, reacting unpredictably to its wielder’s emotions and magic.

Wild Magic Control

When you roll on the Wild Magic Surge table, you can choose to store the effect instead of applying it immediately. You can unleash the stored effect as a bonus action on a later turn. You can store only one effect at a time. If you don’t unleash the stored effect within rounds, it triggers automatically at the start of your turn.
Illustration: Flux
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Trinket of Unruly Magic

wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement by a wild magic sorcerer or barbarian)

This small, enchanted charm—whether a carved wooden token, a shimmering crystal, or a braided band of hair—thrums with chaotic energy, reacting unpredictably to its wielder’s emotions and magic.

Wild Magic Control

When you roll on the Wild Magic Surge table, you can choose to store the effect instead of applying it immediately. You can unleash the stored effect as a bonus action on a later turn. You can store only one effect at a time. If you don’t unleash the stored effect within rounds, it triggers automatically at the start of your turn.
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Trinket of Unruly Magic

wondrous item, rare (requires attunement by a wild magic sorcerer or barbarian)

This small, enchanted charm—whether a carved wooden token, a shimmering crystal, or a braided band of hair—thrums with chaotic energy, reacting unpredictably to its wielder’s emotions and magic.

Wild Magic Control

When you roll on the Wild Magic Surge table, you can choose to store the effect instead of applying it immediately. You can unleash the stored effect as a bonus action on a later turn. You can store only one effect at a time. If you don’t unleash the stored effect within rounds, it triggers automatically at the start of your turn.

Chaotic Counter

When a creature within 10 feet of you forces you to make a saving throw, you can use your reaction to release a burst of wild energy. Roll on the Wild Magic Surge table and apply the result immediately. Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest.
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Trinket of Unruly Magic

wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement by a wild magic sorcerer or barbarian)

This small, enchanted charm—whether a carved wooden token, a shimmering crystal, or a braided band of hair—thrums with chaotic energy, reacting unpredictably to its wielder’s emotions and magic.

Wild Magic Control

When you roll on the Wild Magic Surge table, you can choose to store the effect instead of applying it immediately. You can unleash the stored effect as a bonus action on a later turn. You can store only one effect at a time. If you don’t unleash the stored effect within rounds, it triggers automatically at the start of your turn.

Chaotic Counter

When a creature within 10 feet of you forces you to make a saving throw, you can use your reaction to release a burst of wild energy. Roll on the Wild Magic Surge table and apply the result immediately. Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest.

Unstable Luck

When you make an ability check, attack roll, or saving throw, roll a d6. If the result is even, add the number to your roll. If the result is odd, subtract it instead. You can use this feature once per short rest.

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