Death by a Thousand Cuts

Death by a Thousand Cuts
Illustration: Gemini

LevelSchoolCasting timeRange / Area
9thconjuration1 action120 ft / 45 ft radius
1 minuteYesNoV


You rend reality, pulling 1,000 commoners from their ordinary lives and arming them with daggers. Confused, terrified, and furious, they fixate on a creature of your choice within range, believing it to be the cause of their suffering.
These commoners use the Swarm of 1000 Commoners stat block. When you cast the spell, you designate a target for the swarm. On subsequent turns, you can use a bonus action to command it to attack a new target. If you issue no command, the swarm continues attacking its previous target. If that target is dead or unreachable, the swarm attacks a random creature in its space.

Tight Spaces (Crushing Collapse)

The commoners require a 45-foot radius area or similar to fit. If the spell is cast in a smaller space, they appear momentarily before being crushed against one another, turning into a stampeding mass. In this case, all creatures in the area take bludgeoning damage, and all commoners die instantly.

Classes:warlock wizard

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