Conspiracy Theorist#

Conspiracy Theorist
Illustration: Timmmi (using AI-tools like Midjourney & Dall-E)

You have always been skeptical of mainstream narratives and explanations. You believe that there are hidden truths and secret agendas behind many aspects of society and the world. You consider yourself a truth seeker, tirelessly researching and spreading your theories, often facing skepticism, ridicule, and even hostility. You are determined to uncover the hidden realities and expose them to the world.

Skill Proficiencies: Investigation, Persuasion

Tool Proficiencies: One type of artisan's tools or musical instrument of your choice

Languages: One of your choice

Equipment: A set of artisan's tools or a musical instrument (one of your choice), a notebook and a quill, a collection of pamphlets with your theories, a set of common clothes, and a belt pouch containing 10 gp

Feature: Truth Seeker#

You have discovered some hidden truths that most people are unaware of or deny. You can choose one of the following benefits, and you can change your choice whenever you gain a level in a class.
  • You have learned a secret language that is used by the conspirators or the enlightened. You can choose one of the following languages: Thieves’ Cant, Druidic, Infernal, Celestial, or Deep Speech. You can speak, read, and write this language, and you can use it to communicate with others who know it, or to decipher hidden messages or codes.
  • You have uncovered a secret technique that enhances your abilities. You can choose one of the following skills: Acrobatics, Insight, Stealth, or Survival. You gain proficiency in this skill, and you can add half your proficiency bonus (rounded down) to any ability check you make with this skill, even if you already add your proficiency bonus.
  • You have gained a secret ally who aids you in your quest for the truth. You can choose one of the following creatures: a bat, a cat, a crow, or a rat. You gain the service of this creature as a familiar, as if you had cast the Find Familiar (conjuration)
    Level: 1
    Casting Time: 1 hour
    Concentration: No
    Ritual: Yes

    Summon a small animal that obeys the caster and telepathically shares his senses with him.

    View on
    spell, without using a spell slot or material components.

Suggested Characteristics#

Conspiracy theorists are driven by their curiosity, skepticism towards authority, and their relentless pursuit of hidden truths. They often possess eccentricities and a passionate belief in their cause. Some are motivated by a desire to enlighten others and free them from deception, while others seek personal validation and superiority. Their open-mindedness or stubbornness depends on their willingness to adapt their theories in light of new evidence.

Personality Traits#

2d8Personality Trait
I always question everything and never take anything at face value.
I enjoy sharing my theories with anyone who will listen, and even those who won't.
I am constantly seeking patterns and connections in seemingly unrelated events.
I tend to ramble and go off on tangents when discussing my theories.
I am paranoid and suspicious of everyone and everything.
I am obsessed with uncovering the truth, no matter the consequences.
I am confident and charismatic, capable of persuading others to join my cause.
I possess a quirky sense of humor and enjoy making jokes about my theories.


Truth. The truth is out there, and I will uncover it. (Any)
Freedom. People deserve to know the truth and make their own choices. (Chaotic)
Justice. The conspirators must be exposed and held accountable for their actions. (Lawful)
Knowledge. There is an abundance of knowledge and discoveries awaiting us in this world. (Neutral)
Recognition. I seek fame and respect as the one who reveals hidden truths. (Evil)
Enlightenment. The truth will liberate me from ignorance and illusions. (Good)


I have a mentor who taught me everything I know about conspiracy theories.
I have a friend or family member who was harmed or affected by the conspiracies I investigate.
I have a rival who challenges or mocks my theories.
I have a follower who admires and supports me in my quest for the truth.
I have a contact who provides me with valuable information or resources.
I possess a secret that, if revealed, could endanger both me and my cause.


I am prone to making wild accusations and jumping to conclusions.
I easily get distracted by new leads or theories, even if they are irrelevant or false.
I am stubborn and refuse to admit when I am wrong or change my mind.
I am arrogant and look down upon those who don't share my views.
I am reckless and take unnecessary risks in pursuit of the truth.
I am secretive and distrustful, even of my allies.

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