Set item layout:
Tinfoil Hat
wondrous item (headgear), uncommon (requires attunement)

The tinfoil hat is a pointy, conical hat that covers your entire head. It is made of crumpled metal sheets that reflect light and create a crackling sound when you move.
Mind Shield
While you are wearing the hat it blocks any attempts to read your mind, determine whether you are lying, or scry on you.Social Stigma
This hat makes you look paranoid and eccentric, imposing disadvantage on all Charisma checks you make while wearing it. On the other hand, you feel more secure and confident while wearing it, giving you advantage on saving throws against being frightened.Curse
This hat is cursed. While attuned to it, you are unwilling to part with it or end your attunement. You also have disadvantage on Insight checks, as you become more susceptible to lies and deception. You tend to believe in outlandish theories and rumors, even if they contradict common sense or evidence.Lore
The tinfoil hat was created by a paranoid goblin named Grix, who feared that his enemies were constantly spying on his thoughts and plans. He spent years researching ways to block out any form of divination magic, experimenting with various metals and materials. He finally discovered that a thin layer of metal wrapped around his head could shield his mind from unwanted intrusions. He called his invention the tinfoil hat, and wore it everywhere he went.
Grix became obsessed with his hat, and refused to take it off or share it with anyone. He also became more distrustful of others, believing that they were all out to get him or his hat. He started to hear voices in his head, telling him to do strange and dangerous things. He followed the voices, thinking that they were his allies, and ignored anyone who tried to reason with him. He became involved in various plots and schemes, often against his own interests or safety. Some of the things he believed in were:- Birds are not real, they are mechanical spies controlled by a secret organization.
- The world is hollow, and anyone who says otherwise is part of a conspiracy to hide the truth.
- Magic is a lie, and anyone who uses it is actually using ancient relics disguised as spells.
- Dragons are mortally allergic to cheese, and they will die if they smell or taste it.
Tags:advantagecommunicationcurseddeceptiondisadvantagefrightenedimmunityinsightloremetamagicpersuasionpsychicresistancesaving throwspellstelepathy