Set item layout:

Flameskull Amulet

wondrous item (amulet), rare (requires attunement)

Flameskull Amulet
Illustration: Timmmi (using AI-tools like Midjourney & Dall-E)

This amulet is made from the skull of a fire mage who died in a fiery explosion. The skull is charred black and has two small rubies for eyes.

Flame Ward

While wearing this amulet, you have resistance to fire damage.

Skull Blast

You can use an action to cast Fireball (evocation)
Level: 3
Casting Time: 1 action
Concentration: No
Ritual: No

Creatures in a 20-ft radius must succeed on a Dex. save or take 8d6 fire damage (damage/lvl).

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as a 3rd-level spell (save DC 16) once per day. When you do so, the amulet's eyes glow with red light and emit a cackling laugh.


The amulet is cursed. At the end of a long rest, if you have not used its properties the previous day, you must make a DC 16 Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, you gain the following flaw: "There is no problem a little fire can't solve". The curse will continue to affect you until you use the amulet's properties again or find a way to break the curse.

Attunement to a the amulet can't be ended voluntarily unless the curse is broken first, such as with the remove curse spell.

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