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Sawed-Off Wand

wand, very rare (requires attunement)

Sawed-Off Wand
Illustration: Dall-E

This wand appears to have been crudely cut in half, with jagged edges and a rough finish. Despite its appearance, it holds a unique power that alters the nature of spells cast through it.

Arcane Blast

When you cast a spell that has a line area of effect or is a ranged spell attack, the spell’s area of effect changes to a 15-foot cone originating from you. For spells that originally required a ranged spell attack, creatures caught in the cone must make a Dexterity saving throw against your spell save DC, taking half damage on a successful save. For spells that originally required a saving throw, follow the spell’s original description for the type of saving throw and effects, with only the area of effect changing to a 15-foot cone.


Mordrak was not your typical wizard. Born into a family of scholars, he was expected to follow in their footsteps, mastering the delicate art of spellcasting with precision and grace. But Mordrak had other plans. He found the intricate gestures and complex incantations tedious and preferred a more direct approach to magic.
One fateful day, while experimenting with a powerful wand, Mordrak grew frustrated with its delicate nature. In a fit of rage, he sawed the wand in half, creating what would later be known as the Sawed-Off Wand. To his surprise, the wand’s power was not diminished but transformed. It suited his style perfectly, turning precise spells into a chaotic blast of arcane energy.
Mordrak became infamous for his brute-force tactics. He was a thug in the magical world, feared and respected in equal measure. He didn’t care for the rules or the traditions of wizardry. His only goal was to get the job done, no matter the cost. The Sawed-Off Wand became his signature tool, a symbol of his unorthodox methods and raw power.
Tags:loremetamagicsaving throwspells

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