Set item layout:

Comet's Collar

wondrous item (amulet), rare (requires attunement by a sorcerer)

Comet's Collar
Illustration: AI generated by Timmmi

This silver necklace has a pendant shaped like a comet, with a blue gemstone as its head and a trail of smaller stones as its tail. The pendant glows faintly with arcane energy, and occasionally emits a soft humming sound.

Comet's Flight

You can hover up 4 inches above the ground. This allows you to ignore hazardous surfaces and difficult terrain, and has the added benefit of leaving no footprints.

Comet’s Grasp

You can use an action to cast the Arcane Hand (evocation)
Level: 5
Casting Time: 1 action
Concentration: Yes
Ritual: No

Create a Large hand with a Strength of 26 that can strike (4d8 force damage), push, grapple, or protect (damage/lvl).

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spell without expending a spell slot or material components. The hand created by this spell appears as a large, icy comet, and deals cold damage instead of force damage. Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.


This item was made as a welcome gift for my Patreon supporter Luke who gave me the inspiration for the item.


Astralis’ Frozen Star was created by a powerful archmage named Astralis, who was fascinated by the mysteries of the cosmos. He spent decades studying the stars, planets, and other celestial phenomena, and devised a way to harness their energy for his own purposes. He crafted a series of magical items that he called his Celestial Set, each one imbued with a different aspect of the cosmic forces. Astralis’ Frozen Star was one of these items, and it represented the speed, power, and unpredictability of comets.
Astralis was not a benevolent mage, however. He used his Celestial Set to wage war against his enemies, and sought to dominate the world with his arcane might. He was opposed by a group of heroes, who managed to infiltrate his fortress and confront him in his observatory. There, a fierce battle ensued, and the heroes managed to destroy most of his Celestial Set, leaving only Astralis’ Frozen Star intact. As a last resort, Astralis tried to use the item to unleash a devastating blast of cold energy, but he was stopped by a young sorcerer named Comet.
Comet was one of the heroes who had infiltrated Astralis’ fortress, and he had a personal vendetta against the archmage. Comet was a sorcerer, who had inherited his powers from his mother, a former apprentice of Astralis. She had been experimented on by the archmage, who had tried to unlock the secrets of wild magic by exposing her to various cosmic rays. The result was that she gave birth to Comet, who had a natural affinity for magic. Astralis had killed his mother when he discovered her escape, and Comet had sworn revenge ever since.
Comet had followed Astralis to his observatory, and saw him reach for the item. Using his quick reflexes and innate magic, Comet snatched Astralis’ Frozen Star from Astralis’ grasp, and turned it against him. The item reacted to Comet’s as if they were destined for eachother. It amplified his powers to a tremendous degree. Comet unleashed an icy comet knocked down Astralis and shattered his observatory. Comet then took the item as his own, and fled the scene.
Comet soon discovered that Astralis’ Frozen Star had a synergy with his innate magic, and enhanced his abilities in various ways. Comet decided to keep Astralis’ Frozen Star as his signature item, renaming it Comet's Collar to wash away any memories of it's creator, and continued his adventures as a sorcerer.

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