Set item layout:
Emberheart Blade
weapon (any sword), legendary (requires attunement)

Forged in the heart of a dying volcano, the Emberheart Blade is a weapon of relentless heat and burning fury. The blade’s dark steel core is veined with molten lines that pulse like a living ember, shedding a dim, fiery glow. Embers drift constantly from its edge, and when swung, it leaves a faint trail of smoke and cinders in the air.
Magic Weapon
You have a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this weapon.Molten Edge
This weapon deals an additional fire damage on a hit. If you score a critical hit, the target takes an extra fire damage instead.Smoldering Brand
When you hit a creature with the Emberheart Blade, the fire lingers. At the start of the target’s next turn, they take fire damage equal to your proficiency bonus. A creature can use an action to douse the flames, ending this effect.Eruption
As a bonus action, you can channel the blade’s inner fire, causing it to surge with heat. Until the end of your turn, your melee attacks with this weapon ignore fire resistance, and the next creature you hit takes an additional fire damage. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, regaining all expended uses at dawn.Pyroclasm
As an action, you can plunge the Emberheart Blade into the ground, releasing a wave of volcanic energy in a 20-foot radius around you. Each creature in the area must make a Dexterity saving throw (DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength or Dexterity modifier), taking fire damage on a failed save or half as much on a success. This fire spreads across flammable surfaces, igniting objects that are not worn or carried. Once used, this feature cannot be used again until you finish a long rest.Lore
Deep within the volcanic chasm of Ashenmaw, where rivers of molten rock flow like veins through the earth, a blade was born in fire and fury. The Emberheart Blade was not merely forged—it was awakened. The ancient smith-lords of the Fireblood Dwarves tempered it in the heart of a dying volcano, feeding it the essence of a bound fire elemental and quenching it in the blood of a slain red dragon. When the forge finally cooled, the blade still burned, never losing its heat, pulsing like a living ember yearning to set the world ablaze.
Legends tell of warlords and champions who wielded the Emberheart Blade, each one leaving a trail of scorched battlefields and cities reduced to cinder. Some say the blade whispers to its wielder in the crackle of flames, urging them toward battle, toward destruction, toward a firestorm that will never be quenched. Others claim that the elemental soul trapped within hungers for release, and that each time the blade strikes, it is not merely burning—it is feeding. Those who dare to claim the Emberheart Blade must ask themselves: Do they control the fire, or does the fire control them?Tags:+3criticalfinessefireheavylightloremartialmeleeresistancetwo-handedversatile