Set item layout:

Portable Campfire

wondrous item, uncommon

Portable Campfire

This small metal box contains a magical flame that can be activated or deactivated with a command word.


You can use an action to speak a command word activate the box. When activated, the box opens and reveals a cozy campfire that sheds bright light in a 10-foot radius and dim light for an additional 10 feet. The fire does not consume any fuel or produce any smoke. The fire can be used to cook food, warm up, or create a pleasant atmosphere.
The box can be closed with another command word, snuffing out the fire. The fire can also be extinguished by water or other means, but it can be reactivated with the command word as long as the box is not damaged.

Storyteller's Fire

Whenever someone tells a story around the portable campfire, the fire changes color, shape, or intensity to match the mood and theme of the story, creating harmless visual effects of your choice. The storyteller can use a bonus action to speak a command word and influence the fire's appearance, or let the fire react on its own. The fire can also produce sounds or images related to the story, such as a dragon's roar or a castle's silhouette. The sounds can only be heard within 30 feet of the fire.


The portable campfire was created by a female gnome artificer named Zira Sparkbright. Zira was a curious and adventurous soul, who loved to explore the world and learn new things. She was fascinated by the elemental planes, especially the Plane of Fire, where she witnessed the wonders of the fire genasi and the efreeti.
Zira wanted to bring some of the magic and warmth of the Plane of Fire to her own plane, where she often traveled to cold and dark places. She also wanted to share her stories and experiences with other people, and make new friends along the way. She decided to create a device that could produce a magical fire that was safe and convenient to use, and that could also enhance the storytelling experience.
Using her skills and knowledge, Zira crafted a small metal box that contained a fragment of elemental fire, enchanted with various spells and runes. She called it the portable campfire, and she was very proud of her invention. She tested it in various situations, and found that it worked perfectly. Zira also discovered that the portable campfire had some additional effects, depending on how she modified it. She made several versions of the item, each with its own unique features.
Zira enjoyed using the portable campfire, and she also shared it with others. She gave some of them as gifts to her friends and allies, and she sold some of them to travelers and adventurers. She also used the portable campfire to entertain and impress people with her stories, or to deceive or persuade them with her lies. She became known as a master storyteller and a brilliant inventor, and she earned the nickname Firetongue.
Zira's inventions and stories made her famous and wealthy, as many people sought her portable campfires and other devices. She traveled across many lands, meeting new people and having new adventures. She also donated some of her profits to various causes, such as helping the fire genasi and the efreeti, or supporting the artificers' guild. She was respected and admired by many, and she made many friends and allies.
Eventually, Zira decided to retire from her adventurous life, and settled down in a cozy cottage near a forest. She kept one of her portable campfires with her, and used it to keep warm and to entertain her visitors. She also wrote a book about her life and her inventions, which became a bestseller. She lived a peaceful and happy life, surrounded by her friends and her fire. She often said that she had no regrets, and that she was grateful for everything that the fire had given her.
Tags:advantagefirefrightenedlong restloreno attunementsaving throwtemporary hpwalking

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