Set item layout:

Shapechanger’s Amulet

wondrous item (amulet), rare (requires attunement)

Shapechanger’s Amulet
Illustration: AI generated by Timmmi

The Shapechanger’s Amulet is a finely crafted pendant adorned with iridescent gemstones and swirling fluid designs. It emits a faint aura of illusion and transmutation magic.

Illusory Transformation

While wearing the amulet, you can use an action to transform into any creature you have seen within the last 48 hours that is up to two sizes smaller or larger than you. You gain the creatures appearance, size, creature type, movement and senses, but you retain your alignment, personality, abilities and stats.
To discern that you are transformed, a creature can use its action to inspect your appearance and must succeed on a DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check.
The transformation lasts for up to 8 hours, but it ends immediately if you make an attack or cast a spell. You can also use an action to end the effect. Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.


In a secluded valley, shrouded in mist and mystery, lay the hidden workshop of Aricel, a master craftsman known for his unparalleled skill in enchanting objects. Aricel was a reclusive figure, his life dedicated to the pursuit of creating artifacts that pushed the boundaries of what magic and craftsmanship could achieve. Among his many creations, none was more remarkable than the Shapechanger's Amulet.
Aricel was inspired by the natural world around him, particularly the chameleon-like creatures and the ever-changing landscapes. He envisioned an item that could grant its bearer the ability to adapt and transform, to blend seamlessly into any environment. However, his vision required more than just skill in enchanting—it needed a spark of otherworldly magic.
Desperate to complete his masterpiece, Aricel performed a risky and complex ritual under a full moon, venturing into the ancient forest that bordered his workshop. There, he called upon the archfey Ilyndra, Mistress of Illusions and Keeper of the Changing Ways, knowing full well the perilous nature of dealing with such a capricious being.
Ilyndra appeared, her presence ethereal and unsettling, her eyes gleaming with mischief. She listened to Aricel's plea, her interest piqued not by his earnestness or skill, but by the potential chaos his creation could unleash upon the mortal world. Seeing an opportunity for amusement and disruption, Ilyndra agreed to lend her magic to the amulet, weaving her powers of illusion and transmutation into its very essence.
The crafting process was intricate and fraught with danger, as Ilyndra's magic was as unpredictable as her whims. The gemstones, each carefully selected for their unique properties, were set in swirling fluid designs that represented the flow of magic and transformation. The result was a pendant of unparalleled beauty, radiating an aura of illusion and transmutation.
For centuries, the Shapechanger's Amulet passed through the hands of many individuals—heroes, spies, and protectors—each one chosen seemingly by fate, but subtly influenced by Ilyndra’s capricious whims. The amulet played a silent yet pivotal role in numerous events, sowing both harmony and discord as it moved through the world.

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