Set item layout:
Shield of Reflection
armor (shield), very rare (requires attunement)

This shield is a large circular mirror with a magical glow inside. The mirror reflects spells back at their casters and can change the direction of line spells. The mirror is surrounded by a golden frame with fine details, such as runes, symbols, and patterns. The frame adds to the shield’s durability and elegance.
Reflective Defense
You gain a +1 bonus to AC while holding this shield.Spell Reflection
When you are targeted by a spell that requires an attack roll, the attacker rolls with disadvantage. If they roll a natural 1, the spell misses you and targets them instead. They must make a new attack roll against their own AC to see if they hit themselves.Line Redirection
When you are targeted by a spell that creates a line, such as or , you can use your reaction to change the direction of the line. You automatically succeed on the saving throw against the spell and can choose a new point within range to redirect the remaining line. The line must be in a straight path from the new point.Mirror Image
The shield has 3 charges and regains all expended charges daily at dawn. You can use an action and expend 1 charge to cast the spell from the shield.Tags:+1ACactiondisadvantagereactionsaving throwspells