Set item layout:
Shield of the Azure Wing
armor (shield), rare (requires attunement)

This shield is made from the blue feathers of a giant eagle that was blessed by a sky god. It is both light and sturdy.
Eagle's Protection
You have a +1 bonus to AC while wielding this shield.Eagle's Freedom
As a bonus action, you can speak the shield’s command word and cause it to detach from your arm and attach to your back. You lose the AC bonus from the shield while it is attached to your back. The shield then unfurls into a pair of large wings that grant you a flying speed of 30 feet for up to 1 hour. You can end this effect as a bonus action. Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until the next dawn.Eagle's Guard
While the wings are unfurled, when you are hit by a ranged weapon attack or a spell that targets only you, you can use your reaction to deflect it with your wings. Roll + your Dexterity modifier. Subtract the total from the damage of the attack or spell. If you reduce the damage to 0, you avoid the attack or spell completely.Lore
The Shield of the Azure Wing is a sacred relic of the sky god Zephyrus, the lord of winds and storms. Zephyrus is a benevolent and adventurous deity, who values freedom, exploration, and discovery. He often takes the form of a giant eagle, soaring across the skies and observing the wonders of the world.
Zephyrus created the first Shield of the Azure Wing as a gift for his loyal servant and friend, Aelar, a legendary aarakocra warrior who fought by his side in many battles. Zephyrus plucked some of his own feathers and imbued them with his divine power, crafting a shield that would protect Aelar from harm and grant him the ability to fly like an eagle. Aelar was overjoyed by the gift and used it to perform many heroic deeds in the name of Zephyrus.Over time, Zephyrus decided to share his gift with other worthy mortals who shared his ideals and values. He created more Shields of the Azure Wing, each one slightly different from the others, and bestowed them upon chosen champions who proved themselves to be brave, curious, and noble. These champions became known as the Azure Wings, a group of elite warriors and explorers who served Zephyrus and protected his domains.
The Shields of the Azure Wing are highly coveted by adventurers and collectors alike, as they are not only powerful magic items, but also symbols of Zephyrus’s favor and blessing. However, they are also very rare and difficult to find, as Zephyrus only gives them to those who he deems worthy.
Tags:+1+2ACattack rollbeastbludgeoningbonus actiondietyflyingloreranged attackreactionthunder