Set item layout:
Talia's Quarterstaff of Versatility
staff, uncommon (requires attunement)

The quarterstaff is slightly heavier than normal, crafted from sturdy wood, and capped with a ring of moon-touched metal.
Magic Weapon
You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.Lunar Radiance
As a bonus action, you can touch the ring to cause it to emit 15 feet of bright light and 15 feet of dim light. This light is moonlight. You can turn off the light as a free action by touching the ring again.Stoneflinger
A sling can be tied to the metal ring on the quarterstaff’s upper end. As a bonus action, you can untie the sling to turn the staff into a staff sling. The staff sling deals bludgeoning damage and has a range of 50/160 feet when a stone is placed in it. Retieing the sling requires a bonus action. You are proficient with the staff sling if you are proficient with a quarterstaff or a sling.Credits
This item was created by my Patreon supporter OutcastSpartan, and refined by Timmmi.Tags:+1+2+3ammunitionbludgeoningforceheavylightmeleemelee attackpatreonpiercingrangeranged attackreachtwo handedversatile