Set item layout:
The Silver Hand and Blade
weapon (dagger), very rare (requires attunement)

When you attune to The Silver Hand and The Silver Blade, the combine to form a single item that only requires one attunement slot. It has 4 charges and regains all expended charges daily at dawn.
Magical Blade
The dagger is magical and has a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls.Medicine Expertise
While attuned to this item, you have expertise in the Medicine skill.Lifesaver
You have advantage on Medicine checks made to stabilize a dying creature while attuned to this item.Quick Stitch
As an action, you can expend 1 charge to quickly patch up a wound on a creature within 5 feet of you using the blade, its magic and other medical tools. The creature gains + your Intelligence modifier temporary hit points.Healing Touch
As an action, you can expend 1 charge to touch a creature with the glove and heal it for + your Intelligence modifier hit points.Silver Shield
You can expend 1 charge to touch a creature with the glove and grant it resistance to one type of damage of your choice for 1 hour.Lore
The Silver Hand and Blade were the masterpieces of Brian Silver, a renowned artificer and healer who dedicated his life to finding a cure for the plague that ravaged his homeland. Brian was a genius in the field of bio-magic, combining arcane and natural sciences to create wondrous inventions that could heal wounds, cure diseases, and enhance vitality. He was also a compassionate man who cared deeply for the suffering of others, and often volunteered his services to the poor and the sick.
The Silver Blade was a small scalpel-like device that could channel healing energy into any living creature. Brian designed the blade to be easy to use, requiring only a simple touch to activate its magic. He also imbued the blade with a special property that allowed it to recharge itself every dawn, making it a reliable and renewable source of healing. The blade could also grant temporary hit points to anyone it touched, as if sharing Brian’s vitality with them.The Silver Hand was a glove made of extremely fine silver mesh that looked almost like a smooth and shiny skin. The glove was connected to a small vial attached to the wrist, which contained a light blue liquid that glowed softly. The liquid was a special bio-magical concoction that Brian had developed, which could heal wounds and grant protection from harm. The glove could also touch a creature and grant it resistance to one type of damage of his choice for an hour.
Brian used both the Silver Hand and Blade to treat hundreds of patients, saving many lives and earning much gratitude and admiration. He also shared his knowledge and skills with other healers, teaching them how to use both items and other bio-magical tools. He hoped that by spreading his inventions, he could help end the plague and restore health and happiness to his people.
One day, he was approached by a group of representatives from the Guild of Artificers, who had heard of his work and wanted to meet him. They offered him a deal: they wanted to buy his patents for both the Silver Hand and Blade and use them to mass-produce the devices for the benefit of everyone. They said they admired his work and wanted to honor his legacy. They also offered him a generous sum of money and a place in their guild as an honorary member. Brian was touched by their gesture and agreed to their offer. He handed them both items and signed the papers they had brought with him.
He then decided to retire from his work as an artificer and healer, and spend the rest of his days enjoying life with his family and friends. He occasionally visited the guild hall, where he saw both items being used by other healers who praised their efficiency and effectiveness. He also received letters from people who had been healed by both items or who had learned from his teachings. They all expressed their gratitude and admiration for him.
He felt fulfilled and content with his life. He had achieved more than he had ever dreamed of. He had created the Silver Hand and Blade.
Tags:+2ability checkactionadvantagebonus actionfinessehealinglightloremedicinepiercingresistancesetthrowntools