Welcome to Timmmi's Treasure Vault!
The site currently contains 246 magic items, 41 monsters, 15 subclasses, 12 feats, 11 spells, 5 tools, 3 races, 3 classes, 2 backgrounds, 2 maps and 1 npc.
Today's Treasure
Timmmi has found these items in his vault today and wants to share them with you. Enjoy!
This sparkling wine is brewed in the feywild by the Fæfolk, who use a secret blend of exotic fruits and flowers. The wine has a golden hue and a fizzy, intoxicating taste. A single bottle contains enough for four servings.
Arcanum Aegis
The staff, carved from the heartwood of an ancient oak that grew upon the pulsing veins of a magical leyline, is a masterpiece of arcane craftsmanship. It stands as tall as a grown man, with a girth that suggests the strength of the tree from which it was hewn. Runes and sigils are etched along its length, and a vine is spiraling up to the crown where a crystal, clear as the purest spring water, is set. This crystal pulses with a soft glow, a heartbeat of magic that syncs with the leyline’s rhythm.
Amulet of Eternal Vigil
This amulet, carved from a single piece of unknown crystal, glows with a faint internal light. Holding or wearing the amulet, you feel an unnatural coolness that spreads gently through you. A quiet, rhythmic presence emanates from the crystal, like a heartbeat just at the edge of perception, as though the amulet itself is watching over you.
Kraken's Eye
This large, spherical gemstone is a deep blue color with a faint glow. It is said to be the eye of an ancient kraken that was slain by a legendary hero. The eye still retains some of the kraken’s power and can grant its attuned user the following abilities:
Most Recent Additions
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Swarm of 1,000 Commoners
gargantuan swarm, chaotic neutral
A Gargantuan Swarm of 1,000 Commoners is a horrifying sight – a roiling, churning mass of bodies pressed together in a frenzy of panicked movement and...
Death by a Thousand Cuts
9th level conjuration spell.
You rend reality, pulling 1,000 commoners from their ordinary lives and arming them with daggers. Confused, terrified, and furious, they fixate on a c...
Orcus, the Demon Prince of Undeath
huge fiend, chaotic evil
Orcus looms as a haunting figure of blighted majesty, his bloated form bearing the marks of undeath’s relentless corruption. His sickly, pallid flesh ...
The Quantum Mechanic
Homebrew Subclass for Artificer
The world of sword and spell is built upon the grand and visible forces of nature—fire, stone, lightning, and life itself. But beneath these great pow...
Chains of Asmodeus
weapon (whip), artifact
Forged in the deepest pits of Nessus, the Chains of Asmodeus were once wielded by Asmodeus’ chosen enforcers, used to break the wills of betrayers and...
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Spell Point Calcuator
The spell point calculator is a tool that helps you keep track of your spell points, which are an alternative way of casting spells in D&D 5e. With t...
Vial of Demonic Ichor
wondrous item (consumable), rare
This small vial contains a viscous, black liquid that reeks of sulfur. It is said to be the blood of demons, and it has been known to grant those who ...
weapon (any sword), rare
This sword is made of steel that has been cracked and shattered by a powerful lightning strike. The fragments are held together by a constant stream o...
The Traveler's Cloak
wondrous item (cloak), rare
This cloak is made from a soft, shifting fabric that seems to change color with the light. It is said that the cloak was woven by a powerful wizard wh...
Arcane Aegis Plate
armor (any heavy armor), rare
This set of plate armor is made of a lightweight, yet incredibly strong material. It is adorned with arcane runes and symbols, and it glows with a fai...
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Hidden gems or garbage? You decide!
Death by a Thousand Cuts
9th level conjuration spell.
You rend reality, pulling 1,000 commoners from their ordinary lives and arming them with daggers. Confused, terrified, and furious, they fixate on a c...
Sanguine Mage
Homebrew Subclass for Hemomancer
The Sanguine Mage delves into forbidden arts, harnessing the very essence of life—the pulsing crimson flow within their veins. Their spells are woven ...
Swarm of 1,000 Commoners
gargantuan swarm, chaotic neutral
A Gargantuan Swarm of 1,000 Commoners is a horrifying sight – a roiling, churning mass of bodies pressed together in a frenzy of panicked movement and...
Everfrost Orb
gemstone, very rare
A flawless sphere of ice-blue crystal, the Everfrost Orb shimmers with an eternal frost locked within its depths. Snowflakes swirl endlessly inside, u...
Conspiracy Theorist
Background Feature: Truth Seeker
You have always been skeptical of mainstream narratives and explanations. You believe that there are hidden truths and secret agendas behind many aspe...