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Bow of the Four Seasons

weapon (longbow), artifact (requires attunement)

Bow of the Four Seasons
Illustration: AI generated by Timmmi

This bow is a legendary artifact of Erberossai, the goddess of the underworld and the seasons. It has four different forms, each corresponding to one of the seasons. The bow changes its form and properties at dawn on the first day of each season.
The bow has 10 charges and regains charges daily at dawn. You can use an action to expend one or more charges to activate one of the bow's properties, depending on its current form.

Divine Attacks

The bow has a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it.

Spring form

The bow is made of green wood and adorned with flowers and vines. It has a string of golden silk. In this form, the bow has the following properties:
  • Spring's Blessing. When you hit a creature with an attack using this bow, you deal an extra radiant damage. Additionally, you and any allies within 30 feet of you have advantage on saving throws against disease and poison.
  • Spring's Renewal. You can use an action and expend 2 charges to touch a creature and heal it for + your Wisdom modifier hit points. You can also use this property to remove one condition affecting the creature, such as blinded, deafened, paralyzed, or poisoned.
  • Spring's Awakening. You can use an action and expend 3 charges to cast the Reincarnate (transmutation)
    Level: 5
    Casting Time: 1 hour
    Concentration: No
    Ritual: No

    Reincarnate the soul of an humanoid died for no longer than 10 days. The race of the new body is determined at random.

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    spell on a creature that has been dead for no longer than 10 days. The creature returns to life in a new body, as determined by the spell.

Random Properties

The Bow of the Four Seasons has the following random properties:
  • 3 minor beneficial properties
  • 1 major beneficial property
See “Artifact Properties” in chapter 7 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide for more information.

Destroying the Bow

The only way to destroy it is to complete a year-long ritual that exposes the bow to the most extreme aspects of each season. The ritual requires the following steps:
  • During summer, the bow must be plunged into the fiery depths of an active volcano and left there until the next sunrise.
  • During autumn, the bow must be buried in a pile of leaves and set on fire by a bolt of lightning during a thunderstorm.
  • During winter, the bow must be frozen in ice at the top of the highest mountain and remain there until the next full moon.
  • During spring, the bow must be exposed to the light of the dawn on the first day of the season, and then shattered with a hammer made of pure gold.
If any of these steps are skipped or interrupted, the ritual fails and must be started over.


This item was made as a welcome gift for my Patreon supporter Harrison Kain, who also came up with the core concept for the item and the goddess Erberossai.


Erberossai is the goddess of the underworld and the seasons. She is a unique deity, as she has four different aspects that share one mind and soul. Each aspect represents one of the seasons and has its own domain in the underworld, where the souls of the dead are judged and rewarded or punished.
Erberossai created the Bow of the Four Seasons as a gift for her most faithful followers, who worship her in all her forms and aspects. The bow is a powerful artifact that changes its shape and properties according to the season, reflecting Erberossai’s mood and will.
The Bow of the Four Seasons has four different forms, each corresponding to one of Erberossai’s aspects and domains:
  • Spring Form: The bow is made of green wood and adorned with flowers and vines. It has a string of golden silk. In this form, the bow is attuned to Erberossai Saishir, the aspect of spring, fertility, and life. She is a highly beloved goddess, who has many festivals dedicated to her. She is a gentle goddess, who will gladly answer prayers whenever she has the time to do so. She values love, kindness, and creativity. Her underworld is Erberossir Fuerai, The Underworld of Flowers. It consists of large plains, gentle hills, and sparse forests, all covered in beautiful flowers as far as the eye can see. This is where the souls of those who did good deeds in their life, helped out their community, or just had good in their hearts end up to spend eternity in blissful paradise.
  • Summer Form: The bow is made of red wood and adorned with flames and suns. It has a string of silver wire. In this form, the bow is attuned to Erberossai Gherotha, the aspect of summer, competition, and revelry. She is one of the most popular gods, since her domains make her one of the most invoked gods in the world. She is a fierce and passionate goddess, who will welcome all prayers with open arms. She values glory, freedom, and fun. Her underworld is Erberossir Dinnchir, the Underworld of Blades. It primarily consists of huge savannahs and mesas, where the souls of those who were brave and heroic in their life are challenged with combat and celebration. This is where the great warriors and heroes go to spend eternity celebrating their stories and achievements, and gaining new ones.
  • Autumn Form: The bow is made of brown wood and adorned with leaves and acorns. It has a string of copper wire. In this form, the bow is attuned to Erberossai Diurmar, the aspect of autumn, harvest, and hunting. She is often invoked by farmers, hunters, and druids who wish for her blessings. She is a mysterious and secretive goddess, who often does not answer prayers as she is preoccupied with hunting herself. She values skill, knowledge, and adventure. Her underworld is Erberossir Dayeras, the Underworld of Jungles. It is a massive underground jungle stuck in a state of perpetual twilight and filled with dangerous wildlife and hostile flora. This is where the souls of those who were cunning and adventurous in their life are tested with traps and treasures. This is also where the souls of those who did evil, but not enough to warrant being sent to Erberossai Mithrach’s domain, are hunted by Erberossai Diurmar and her followers as punishment for their crimes.
  • Winter Form: The bow is made of white wood and adorned with snowflakes and stars. It has a string of blue silk. In this form, the bow is attuned to Erberossai Mithrach, the aspect of winter, death, and night. She is the one that is usually invoked when one wishes to invoke Erberossai in her function as goddess of the underworld. She is a stern and merciless goddess, who rarely answers prayers, and only does so if they pertain to passing judgement on someone. She values courage, loyalty, and honor. Her underworld is Erberossir Escthar, the Underworld of Ice. It is a huge, dark cave filled with ice and snow, with temperatures low enough to freeze you solid in less than 30 minutes and winds so harsh that they can flay the flesh from your bones. This is where the souls of those who were wicked and evil in their life are tormented by cold and darkness for eternity.
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