Lycanthropy: Wereraven

Prerequisite: Infected with lycanthropy from a Wereraven
Known for their fascination with knowledge and the acquisition of secrets, wereravens often form loose alliances or covens, sharing information and safeguarding ancient lore. Their ability to transform into birds allows them to act as messengers or spies, observing events from above and intervening when their intelligence deems it necessary. As elusive guardians of hidden knowledge, wereravens bring an air of mystique and intrigue to the world of lycanthropes.Wereraven Lycanthropy
As a wereraven you gain a Dexterity of 15 if your score isn’t already higher.Mimicry
You can mimic simple sounds you have heard, such as a person whispering, a baby crying, or an animal chattering. A creature that hears the sounds can tell they are imitations with a successful Wisdom (Insight) check contested by your Charisma (Deception).Regeneration
You regain 10 hit points at the start of your turn. If you take damage from a silvered weapon or a spell, this trait doesn’t function at the start of your next turn. You die only if you start your turn with 0 hit points and don't regenerate.Shapechanger
You can use an action to polymorph into a raven-humanoid hybrid or into a raven, or back into your humanoid form. Your statistics, other than your size and speed, are the same in each form. Any equipment you are wearing or carrying isn’t transformed. You revert to your humanoid form if you die.Flying Speed (Hybrid or Raven Form Only)
In hybrid or raven form, you gain a flying speed equal to your walking speed.Multiattack (Hybrid Form Only)
In hybrid form you can make two weapon attacks when you take the attack action, one of which can be with your beak.Beak (Raven or Hybrid Form Only)
You have a beak that you can use to make unarmed strikes. When you hit with it, the strike deals 1 piercing damage in raven form, or 4 ( + your dexterity modifier) piercing damage in hybrid form, instead of the bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed strike. If the target is a humanoid, it must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw or be cursed with wereraven lycanthropy.Tags:bludgeoningpiercingslashingextra attackhealingimmunitybeasthumanoidflyingdexteritydeceptioncursedshapeshift