Set item layout:

A fish called Finn

wondrous item (companion), uncommon (requires attunement)

A fish called Finn
Illustration: AI generated by Timmmi

This is a sealed glass bottle that contains a small amount of water and a live fish. The fish has a simple intelligence and can communicate telepathically with the owner of the bottle.


The fish's name is Finn, and it has a personality that is randomly determined by rolling a d6:
1Friendly and curious. Finn likes to ask questions and learn new things.
2Snarky and sarcastic. Finn often makes witty remarks and jokes at the expense of others.
3Cheerful and optimistic. Finn always sees the bright side of things and tries to cheer up its owner.
4Bossy and demanding. Finn thinks it is superior to everyone and expects to be treated accordingly.
5Adventurous and daring. Finn loves to explore new places and take risks.
6Loyal and brave. Finn is always ready to help and protect its owner.

Friend, or food?

Finn can serve as a loyal companion for adventurers on a journey, but he can also be used as one ration in case of an emergency. If you are in a desperate situation and need to eat Finn, you must shatter the glass bottle that contains him. Doing so will end Finn’s life and release him from the bottle. Finn is aware of this possibility and will sacrifice himself willingly if you are in dire need. However, once you break the bottle, nothing short of a Wish (conjuration)
Level: 9
Casting Time: 1 action
Concentration: No
Ritual: No

Duplicate a 8th level spell or lower without components, or create another effect at the DMs discretion.

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spell can bring Finn back to life.


Finn was once a normal fish that lived in a large lake. He was happy and carefree, swimming with his friends and enjoying the sun. One day, a group of adventurers came to the lake and decided to fish for their lunch. They cast their hooks into the water, hoping to catch something big and tasty.
Finn was curious and hungry, so he approached one of the hooks and nibbled on the bait. He felt a sharp pain in his mouth and was suddenly pulled out of the water. He saw a human holding him by the tail, smiling triumphantly. Finn was terrified and tried to wriggle free, but it was too late. The human put him in a glass bottle and sealed it with a cork.
Finn thought he was going to die, but then he noticed something strange. The water in the bottle was warm and fresh, and he felt a faint pulse of magic. He also heard a voice in his head, saying "Hello, little fish. I am your new owner. Don't worry, I won't hurt you. I just need you for a special purpose."
The voice belonged to a wizard who was part of the adventuring group. He had enchanted the bottle to create a miniature ecosystem for Finn, providing him with oxygen, food, and comfort. He also gave him the ability to communicate telepathically with him. The wizard explained that he needed Finn as a component for a powerful spell that he was working on. He said that Finn was a rare and special fish, and that he would reward him generously if he cooperated.
Finn was confused and scared, but he had no choice but to trust the wizard. He hoped that the wizard would keep his promise and not harm him. He also wondered what the spell was and why he was needed for it. He decided to ask the wizard some questions, hoping to learn more about him and his plans.
The wizard was amused by Finn's curiosity and intelligence. He answered some of his questions, but not all of them. He said that the spell was a secret and that Finn would find out soon enough. He also said that he liked Finn and that he considered him a friend, not just a tool. He said that he would take good care of him and that he would never eat him, unless it was absolutely necessary.
Finn was skeptical, but he appreciated the wizard's kindness and friendship. He decided to give him a chance and see what would happen. He also realized that he had nothing to lose, since he had no way of escaping the bottle. He hoped that the wizard would keep his word and that he would not regret trusting him.
The wizard and Finn traveled together for many days, facing many dangers and adventures. They shared their thoughts and feelings, and learned a lot from each other. They became close friends, and Finn grew to like the wizard. He also became interested in the spell that the wizard was working on, and wondered what it would do.
As Finn and the wizard journeyed on, their bond grew stronger by the day. Finn, despite his initial fears, found solace in the wizard's company. They encountered various challenges together, and Finn witnessed the wizard's extraordinary magical abilities firsthand. He marveled at the wizard's intricate spells and enchantments, growing more intrigued about the one he was meant to be a part of.
However, fate had something unexpected in store. During one perilous encounter with a band of cunning thieves, the wizard was ambushed and overpowered. In the chaos, the thieves, recognizing the value of the enchanted bottle containing Finn, snatched it away before the wizard could react.
Finn found himself abruptly torn from the wizard's presence, his world once again confined to the glass bottle. But this time, his surroundings were different. The thieves, unaware of Finn's telepathic communication abilities, stored the bottle in a hidden compartment of their wagon among other pilfered goods.
Days turned into weeks, and the thieves, oblivious to Finn's true nature, bartered him in a distant marketplace. The bottle exchanged hands multiple times, passing through various traders and merchants, each unaware of the magical secret it held.
During this time, Finn's understanding of the world expanded. He heard snippets of conversations, learned different languages, and observed various cultures and customs through the eyes of those who briefly possessed him. Yet, he remained imprisoned, yearning for the camaraderie he had shared with the wizard and the promise of discovering the mysterious spell's purpose.
With each new owner, Finn hoped for freedom or a chance encounter with someone who might understand his predicament. But as days turned into months, he began to lose hope. The constant change of hands left him feeling isolated and lost, longing for the companionship and sense of purpose he had found with the wizard.

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