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Antimagic Grenade

wondrous item (consumable), rare

Antimagic Grenade
Illustration: AI generated by Timmmi

The grenade is a metal sphere about the size of a fist. It looks fragile and you can feel a soft vibration when you touch it. The metal sphere is filled with a volatile substance that reacts violently when exposed to magic.


As an action, you can throw the grenade up to 60 feet to a point you can see. The grenade explodes when it lands. The grenade produces a 5th level Dispel Magic (abjuration)
Level: 3
Casting Time: 1 action
Concentration: No
Ritual: No

End spells of 3rd level 3 or lower on a target. Ability check for each spell of 4th level or higher (threshold/lvl).

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spell that targets everything in a 30-foot-radius sphere centered on the point where the grenade landed. If you need to make an ability check to dispel a spell of 6th level or higher, you add +4 to your roll instead of using your spellcasting ability modifier.


Zibby Sparkwrench was a gnome artificer who loved to invent new devices and gadgets. He was always curious and adventurous, and wanted to explore the mysteries of magic and technology. One day, he discovered a rare mineral that had the property of absorbing and neutralizing magical energy. He called it antimite, and used it to create his most amazing invention: the anti magic grenade.
The anti magic grenade was a metal sphere that could be thrown up to 60 feet, and would explode when it landed, producing an effect that would dispel or suppress magic in a large area. Zibby realized that his invention had many potential applications, such as defense, security, exploration, and entertainment. He decided to patent his invention, and started to sell it to various customers who were interested in his product.
Zibby soon became very famous and wealthy, as his anti magic grenade was a revolutionary device that changed the world of magic and technology. He received many awards and honors for his invention, and was invited to many events and conferences where he showcased his work and shared his ideas. He also made many friends and allies among other inventors, adventurers, scholars, and celebrities who admired his genius and creativity.
Zibby continued to invent new devices and gadgets, using antimite as his main material. He created anti magic shields, anti magic traps, anti magic detectors, anti magic toys, and many more. He also improved his anti magic grenade, making it more powerful, versatile, and customizable. He created different versions of the grenade with different effects and rarities, ranging from uncommon to legendary.
Zibby was very happy with his life, as he enjoyed his work and his fame. He also had a loving family and a loyal team of assistants who supported him and helped him with his projects. He never had any major problems or enemies, as he was very careful and responsible with his invention. He always made sure that his anti magic devices were safe and ethical, and that they did not harm anyone or anything. He also respected the natural magic of the world, and did not use his anti magic devices to interfere with it or destroy it.
Zibby eventually retired from his work, after creating hundreds of inventions and patents. He had amassed a huge fortune from his sales and royalties, which he used to buy a luxurious mansion in a beautiful location. He spent his retirement years enjoying his wealth and leisure, traveling the world with his family and friends, visiting exotic places and cultures, and experiencing new adventures. He also donated some of his money to various causes and charities that he cared about, such as education, art, science, nature, and peace.
Zibby lived a long and happy life, full of joy and wonder. He died peacefully in his sleep at the age of 420, surrounded by his loved ones. He left behind a legacy of innovation and inspiration that would last for generations. He was remembered as one of the greatest inventors of all time, and as a kind and generous soul who made the world a better place with his anti magic devices.
Tags:actionconsumableloreno attunementspells

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