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Bag of Scolding

wondrous item, rare

Bag of Scolding

This rugged leather pouch features a meticulously crafted mouth on its front, complete with stitched lips that seem poised to unleash a torrent of reprimands.


This leather pouch has a volume of 1/5 cubic foot and can hold up to 6 pounds of gear. This can be up to 20 sling bullets or 50 blowgun needles, among other things.


As an action, you can open the bag and point it towards a creature you can see within 30 feet of you. The target must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or be subjected to a verbal barrage so intense it’s as if every disappointed parent, teacher, and coach they’ve ever encountered is berating them simultaneously. On a failed save, the creature is stunned until the end of its next turn as it reels from the onslaught of chastising words.

Verbal Onslaught

If you use the Bag of Scolding too frequently, you may find yourself on the receiving end of its effects. After using the bag three times in a single day, the you must make a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or be stunned for 1 minute as the bag’s contents turn on them.


Agatha "Aggie" Featherstone wasn't known for her patience. Her fiery temper could rival the heat radiating from her legendary brick oven. Burnt a batch of croissants? Forget a tirade – Aggie could reduce a seasoned baker to tears with a single, withering look. Took an apprentice a tad too long to knead the dough? The poor soul might spend the rest of the day feeling like a deflated souffle under the relentless downpour of Aggie's disapproval.
One particularly harrowing evening, after a series of unfortunate incidents (a power outage, a runaway dough hook, and a mischievous stray cat), Aggie found herself staring at a pile of ruined pastries. Tears welled in her eyes, threatening to spill over. It was then, amidst the scattered flour and the acrid scent of burnt sugar, that a glint of leather caught her eye. Tucked beneath a dented mixing bowl lay a weathered pouch, its stitched lips forming a frown like a disappointed grandparent. Desperate for a release, Aggie picked it up.
Curiosity momentarily trumping despair, she untied the drawstring, bracing herself for anything. But there was nothing. Just a dusty interior and a chilling silence. Taking a deep breath, Aggie pointed the pouch at the wreckage and, in a voice thick with raw emotion, muttered, "This isn't baking. This is… a disaster."
The effect was horrifying. The air crackled with a spectral voice, a maelstrom of accusations and criticisms. It spoke of generations of bakers dishonored, of a legacy crumbling to ash. The voice was layered, a chilling chorus of disappointed parents, stern teachers, and unforgiving chefs. Aggie stumbled back, overwhelmed by the sheer weight of the verbal onslaught. The room seemed to darken, suffocating her with the relentless critique. When it finally stopped, Aggie collapsed onto a flour sack, drained and utterly defeated.
The incident left a profound mark on Aggie. The Bag of Scolding wasn't a tool to be used lightly. As time passed, Aggie found herself reluctantly drawn to the bag's peculiar power. While she vowed never to subject herself to its scolding again, she couldn't help but recognize its potential in certain situations. There were times when her apprentices needed a stern lesson but she lacked the energy or composure to deliver it herself. In those moments, she'd reach for the bag, hesitatingly at first, but with increasing frequency as she grew accustomed to its presence.
It became a ritual of sorts. With a solemn nod, Aggie would present the bag to the offending party, a silent warning etched in her eyes. The mere sight of the pouch was often enough to elicit a shiver of dread from the recipient, as they braced themselves for the impending torrent of reproach.
Yet, Aggie wielded the bag judiciously, reserving its use for the most egregious errors or moments of stubborn insubordination. She understood the power of words, both in their ability to wound and to teach, and she was determined to use it wisely.
As the years went by, tales of the Bag of Scolding spread throughout the baking community, whispered warnings exchanged between apprentices and journeymen alike. And though Aggie's fiery temper remained legendary, tempered now by wisdom and experience.
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