Set item layout:


wondrous item (consumable), rare

Illustration: Timmmi (using AI-tools like Midjourney & Dall-E)

This sparkling wine is brewed in the feywild by the Fæfolk, who use a secret blend of exotic fruits and flowers. The wine has a golden hue and a fizzy, intoxicating taste. A single bottle contains enough for four servings.


As an action, you can drink a serving of Fæfviin and roll to consult the Fæfviin Effects table to determine what happens. The effect lasts for 1 hour or until dispelled.

Fæfviin Effect

d10Fæfviin Effect
You become extremely gullible. You automatically fail any Wisdom saving throws against being deceived or persuaded.
You forget who you are and where you are. You can make a DC 15 Intelligence saving throw at the end of each of your turns to end this effect.
You sprout a pair of antlers that get tangled in everything. You have disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks that involve your head or sight.
You grow butterfly wings that grant you a flying speed of 30 feet.
You are teleported to a random location in the feywild. You can return to your original location by drinking another serving of Fæfviin.
You gain the ability to cast the Polymorph (transmutation)
Level: 4
Casting Time: 1 action
Concentration: Yes
Ritual: No

Transform a target into a new beast form whose CR/level is equal to or less than the target's CR/level.

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spell once on yourself or another creature without using a spell slot or material components. You must use this ability within 1 hour or lose it.
You are surrounded by a 10-foot-radius aura of glittering light. Any creature that starts its turn within the aura must make a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or be charmed by you until the end of its next turn.
You gain a +1 bonus to all ability checks and skill checks. You have a surge of confidence and competence.
You gain a +1 bonus to AC and saving throws. You have a faint aura of protection around you.
You can ask one question to a fey spirit that appears in a nearby mirror or reflective surface. The spirit answers truthfully but may be cryptic or mischievous.


The fæfolk are a mysterious and elusive race of fey that dwell in the hidden corners of the feywild. They are known for their playful and whimsical nature, as well as their love of music, art, and wine. The fæfolk resemble humans in appearance, but with pointed ears, fair skin, and colorful hair and eyes. They often adorn themselves with flowers, jewels, and other natural ornaments.
The fæfolk live in small, nomadic communities that wander the feywild in search of beauty and adventure. They have a loose and fluid social structure, with no formal leaders or laws. They value freedom, creativity, and harmony above all else. The fæfolk are friendly and curious towards other races, but also wary and secretive. They rarely reveal their true names or locations to outsiders, preferring to use aliases and riddles.
The fæfolk are renowned for their skill in brewing Fæfviin, a magical sparkling wine that captures the essence of the feywild. Fæfviin is made from a secret blend of exotic fruits and flowers that grow only in the feywild. The fæfolk use a special process that involves singing to the wine as it ferments, infusing it with magic and emotion. Fæfviin has a rainbow hue and a fizzy, intoxicating taste that varies depending on the mood of the brewer and the drinker.
Fæfviin is highly prized and sought after by other races, especially those who wish to experience the wonders of the feywild. However, Fæfviin is also dangerous and unpredictable, as it can cause various magical effects on those who drink it. The fæfolk enjoy sharing Fæfviin with their friends and guests, but also use it as a prank or a test on those who they deem unworthy or untrustworthy. The fæfolk believe that Fæfviin reveals the true nature of a person, for better or worse.
Tags:+1ability checkactionadvantagecharmedconsumabledisadvantagefeyflyingno attunementrandomsaving throwspells

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