Set item layout:


weapon (greatsword), legendary (requires attunement)


This massive sword is forged from a single piece of ice that never melts. It has a jagged edge and a hilt wrapped in white fur. It is said to have been created by the frost giants from the frozen heart of an ancient dragon.


You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this weapon. When you hit with an attack using this weapon, the target takes cold damage instead of slashing damage. In addition, when you score a critical hit with this weapon, the target must succeed on a DC 17 Constitution saving throw or be paralyzed until the end of your next turn as ice crystals form around its body.

Wind chill

Once per day, you can use an action to swing this sword in a wide arc, creating a blast of freezing wind. Each creature in a 60-foot cone must make a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw, taking cold damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

Frost Brand

Frost Brand. When you hit a creature with an attack using this weapon, the target’s speed is reduced by 10 feet until the start of your next turn.


Long ago, there was a mighty dragon named Fafnir, who hoarded a vast treasure in his lair. He was feared by all, even by the gods, for his breath was cold as death and his scales were hard as steel. No weapon could pierce his hide, and no magic could harm him.
One day, a bold frost giant named Hrungnir decided to challenge Fafnir for his treasure. He gathered his kin and marched to the dragon's lair, armed with axes and spears. He shouted a challenge to Fafnir, who emerged from his cave with a roar. The battle was fierce and long, and many giants fell before Fafnir's claws and fangs. But Hrungnir was not daunted, and he fought with courage and cunning. He managed to wound Fafnir in the eye with his axe, blinding him on one side. Then he leapt on the dragon's back and drove his axe deep into his heart.
Fafnir let out a final scream and collapsed, dead. Hrungnir rejoiced and claimed the treasure as his own. He took Fafnir's heart, which still beat with a faint pulse, and brought it to his hall.
There he summoned a skilled smith named Sindri, who was renowned for his craft. He ordered him to forge a weapon from Fafnir's heart, a weapon that would be worthy of his deed. Sindri agreed, and worked hard. He melted the ice that formed Fafnir's heart in a great fire, and shaped it into a sword blade. He quenched it in water mixed with blood, and tempered it with runes. He made a hilt from white fur and bone, and engraved it with more runes. He presented the finished weapon to Hrungnir, who named it Frostfang.
Frostfang was a marvel to behold. It was as long as a man, and as sharp as a razor. It glowed with a faint blue light, and emitted a low hum. It could cut through anything, even stone and metal. Hrungnir was overjoyed with Frostfang, and thanked Sindri for his work. He paid him handsomely, and kept the sword for himself. He declared himself the king of the giants, and challenged anyone who opposed him to face him in combat.
But soon he heard of a challenge from Dovregubben, the troll king. Dovregubben had heard of Frostfang, and coveted it for himself. He demanded that Hrungnir give him the sword as tribute, or face him in combat.
Hrungnir refused the demand, and accepted the challenge. He gathered his kin again, and marched to Dovregubben's hall, armed with Frostfang. He shouted a challenge to Dovregubben, who emerged from his hall with a sneer. The duel was fierce and short, for Dovregubben was stronger and smarter than Hrungnir. He dodged Hrungnir's swings, and struck him down with his club.
Hrungnir fell to the ground, wounded and defeated. Dovregubben laughed, and took Frostfang from his hand. He felt its power flow through him, and he knew that it was his destiny to wield it.
He then spoke to Hrungnir, and said:
"You have fought poorly, and you have earned my contempt. I will not grant you your wish, and end your life. Instead, I will spare you, but take your sword. You will live in shame, without your prize. But know this. You are not free of Frostfang. You will always remember it, and always regret losing it. You will suffer as long as you live, without your glory."
He then left Hrungnir on the ground, and returned to his hall. He took Frostfang with him, which he called Dovregubben's Dagger.
He became the new king of the giants, and the trolls. He ruled with an iron fist, and a cold heart.
Tags:+2+3actioncoldcriticalgiantheavyloremartialmeleemelee attackparalyzedtemporary hptwo-handedwalking

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