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Mummified Hag Hand

wand, rare (requires attunement by a spellcaster)

Mummified Hag Hand
Illustration: Timmmi (using AI-tools like Midjourney & Dall-E)

This wand is made from the mummified hand of a green hag, which once had long nails and was covered in warts.


To attune to the wand, you can follow the standard rules for attuning to a magic item. Alternatively, you can cut off your hand and fuse the mummified hag hand with your arm. Doing so allows you to use the wand without attunement, and it functions as a normal hand. However, this procedure comes with a cost. You gain a character flaw that reflects the hag’s nature. The flaw is determined by your DM, or by rolling on the table below:
1Compulsive Bargainer: You have a compulsion to bargain with others, even when it’s not in your best interest. You might offer deals that are too good to be true, or you might try to negotiate for things that you don’t really need.
2Deceptive: You have a tendency to deceive others, whether it’s for your own gain or just for fun. You might tell lies or half-truths, or you might use illusions to trick people.
3Obsessive Collector: You have an obsession with collecting things, especially items that have sentimental or magical value. You might hoard objects that remind you of your past, or you might seek out rare and exotic artifacts.
4Sadistic: You take pleasure in causing pain and suffering to others, whether it’s physical or emotional. You might enjoy torturing your enemies, or you might manipulate people into hurting themselves.
5Vengeful: You hold grudges and seek revenge against those who have wronged you. You might go to great lengths to get even with your enemies, even if it means putting yourself in danger.
6Wishful Thinker: You have a tendency to believe in things that aren’t real, whether it’s superstitions, legends, or your own delusions. You might see omens in everyday events, or you might believe that you have magical powers that you don’t actually possess.

Green Hag Spells

While attuned to the wand, you can use an action to expend 1 or more of its charges to cast one of the following spells from it, using your spell save DC: Disguise Self (illusion)
Level: 1
Casting Time: 1 action
Concentration: No
Ritual: No

Modify the appearance of the caster (its physical and its equipment) thanks to an illusion.

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(1 charge), Invisibility (illusion)
Level: 2
Casting Time: 1 action
Concentration: Yes
Ritual: No

The target becomes invisible during 1 hour or until she attacks or casts a spell (+1 creature/lvl).

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(2 charges), Minor Illusion (illusion)
Level: 0
Casting Time: 1 action
Concentration: No
Ritual: No

Create a sound or an immobile image of an object no larger than a 5-ft cube.

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(1 charge), or Phantasmal Force (illusion)
Level: 2
Casting Time: 1 action
Concentration: Yes
Ritual: No

Tha target must succeed on an Int. save or perceive as real an object or creature created by the caster (with sound).

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(2 charges). The wand has 6 charges and regains expended charges daily at dawn.

Green Hag's Curse

Once per day, while holding the wand, you can use a bonus action to point it at a creature you can see within 30 feet of you and speak a curse in the hag’s tongue. The target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC or be affected by one of the following curse effects, determined by rolling a d6. The curse lasts for 1 minute and the target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on a success.
d6Curse Effect
1The target’s appearance is altered to look like a hag.
2The target becomes invisible to everyone except you.
3The target hears illusory whispers that distract it. The target has disadvantage on Wisdom checks and saving throws.
4The target sees a phantasmal image of its worst fear at a point of your choice within 30 feet of the target. The target is frightened and must use its action to move away from the image.
5The target is affected by the Confusion (enchantment)
Level: 4
Casting Time: 1 action
Concentration: Yes
Ritual: No

Creatures in a 10-ft-radius sphere must succeed on a Wis. save or can't take actions normally (+ 5-ft-radius/lvl).

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6The target is affected by the Suggestion (enchantment)
Level: 2
Casting Time: 1 action
Concentration: Yes
Ritual: No

The target must succeed on a Wis. save or follow the suggestion given by the caster in one or two sentences.

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spell. You are the caster of the spell and can issue a suggestion as a part of the curse.


According to legend, the mummified hag’s hand wand was created by a powerful necromancer who sought to harness the dark power of the hags. The necromancer was known for his mastery of dark magic and his ability to control the undead, and he was feared by many who knew of his power.
One day, the necromancer encountered a powerful hag who had long been a thorn in his side. The hag was known for her mastery of dark magic and her ability to control the creatures of the night, and she was feared by many who knew of her power.
In a fierce battle, the necromancer was able to defeat the hag and cut off her hand, which he believed contained some of her dark power. He took the hand back to his laboratory and began experimenting with it, hoping to unlock its secrets and harness its power for his own purposes.
After many years of research and experimentation, the necromancer was finally able to transform the mummified hand into a powerful magical artifact. He imbued the hand with his own dark magic and bound it to his will, creating the mummified hag’s hand wand.
As the years went by, the necromancer became increasingly obsessed with the wand and the power it gave him. He began to experiment with dark magic more and more, pushing the limits of what was possible and delving deeper into the forbidden arts.
Eventually, the necromancer became so consumed by his obsession that he cut off his own hand and replaced it with the mummified hag’s hand, hoping to gain even more power and control. The transformation was successful, but it came at a terrible cost. The necromancer was forever changed by the dark magic of the wand, and he became a twisted and malevolent creature, feared by all who knew of him.
Despite the necromancer’s transformation, the legend of the mummified hag’s hand wand lived on, and many adventurers and treasure hunters have sought to uncover its secrets and claim its power for themselves. Some say that the wand still exists, hidden away in a forgotten corner of the world, waiting for a new owner to claim its power and unleash its dark magic upon the world once more.

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