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Staff of the Infernal Flame

staff, artifact (requires attunement)

Staff of the Infernal Flame
Illustration: Timmmi (using AI-tools like Midjourney & Dall-E)

This staff is a powerful relic of the Nine Hells, forged from the volcanic rock of Avernus and imbued with the essence of a pit fiend. The staff is topped with a demonic skull that has a gaping hole in its crown, where lava flows and bubbles. The skull’s eyes glow with malice and hunger for destruction.

Infernal Spells

The staff has 10 charges and regains expended charges daily at dawn. You can use an action to expend some of the staff's charges to cast one of the following spells from it, using your spell save DC and spell attack bonus: Burning Hands (evocation)
Level: 1
Casting Time: 1 action
Concentration: No
Ritual: No

Creatures in a 15-ft cone must succeed on a Dex. save or take 3d6 fire damage (damage/lvl).

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(1 charge), Fireball (evocation)
Level: 3
Casting Time: 1 action
Concentration: No
Ritual: No

Creatures in a 20-ft radius must succeed on a Dex. save or take 8d6 fire damage (damage/lvl).

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(3 charges), Wall of Fire (evocation)
Level: 4
Casting Time: 1 action
Concentration: Yes
Ritual: No

Create a 60 x 20 x 1 ft wall of fire. Creatures inside or within 10ft of one side of the wall take 5d8 fire damage (damage/lvl).

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(4 charges), or Flame Strike (evocation)
Level: 5
Casting Time: 1 action
Concentration: No
Ritual: No

Creatures in a 10-ft-radius, 40-ft-high cylinder must succeed on a Dex. save or take 4d6 fire and 4d6 radiant (damage/lvl).

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(5 charges).

Infernal Branding

You can use an action to submerge a weapon or up to 20 pieces of ammunition in the lava pool inside the skull and ignite it with infernal fire. For 1 minute, the weapon or ammunition deals an extra fire damage and necrotic damage when it hits. In addition, the weapon or ammunition sheds bright light in a 10-foot radius and dim light for an additional 10 feet. Once you use this feature you cannot do so again until the next dawn.


The staff grants the following benefits in its dormant state:
  • You have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. It counts as a quarterstaff that deals an extra fire damage and necrotic damage on a hit.

Random Properties

The Staff of the Infernal Flame has the following random properties in it's dormant state.
  • 1 minor beneficial property
  • 1 minor detrimental property
See “Artifact Properties” in chapter 7 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide for more information.


The staff has a hidden curse that is revealed when you attune to it. You become obsessed with the power of the staff and unwilling to part with it. You also develop a fiendish personality trait determined by the DM or by rolling the table below. Additionally, whenever you cast a spell from the staff or use its lava flow or infernal blast, there is a 10 percent chance that you summon one or more devils. The devils are loyal to the pit fiend who created the staff, but they may also obey you if your actions serve his interests. The DM decides what kind of devils appear and how they act. The devils disappear when they drop to 0 hit points or when the staff’s creator commands them to leave.
1You are vain and obsessed with your appearance and reputation.
2You are spiteful and hold grudges against anyone who wrongs you or challenges you.
3You are envious and resent anyone who has something you desire or admire.
4You are arrogant and believe you are superior to everyone else.
5You are greedy and covet anything of value or power.
6You are ambitious and will stop at nothing to achieve your goals, even if it means betraying your friends.


The Staff of the Infernal Flame was forged by Zarathos, a pit fiend who ruled over a vast domain in Avernus, the first layer of the Nine Hells. Zarathos was a master of fire magic and warfare, and he sought to expand his influence and power by conquering other realms. He devised a plan to create a weapon that would channel his essence and grant him access to the Material Plane, where he could unleash his armies of devils and burn everything in his path.
Zarathos gathered the finest materials and craftsmen from his domain and ordered them to work on his project. He used the volcanic rock of Avernus as the base of the staff, and set the skull of a rival pit fiend he had slain at the top. He then infused the staff with his own blood and fire, creating a powerful bond between him and the weapon. He also imbued the staff with various spells and abilities that would aid him in his conquest.
Zarathos was pleased with his creation, but he was not satisfied. He wanted to make the staff even more powerful and dangerous. He decided to add a curse to the staff, that would corrupt and enslave anyone who attuned to it. He also added a hidden feature that would allow him to summon devils through the staff, whenever he desired. He hoped that these features would ensure that the staff would always serve his will and return to him if it ever fell into the wrong hands.
Zarathos was ready to test his weapon. He opened a portal to the Material Plane and threw the staff through it, hoping that it would land in a populated area where it could cause chaos and destruction. He did not care who would find it or use it, as long as they served his interests or amused him. He planned to watch from afar and intervene when necessary, using his bond with the staff to communicate with its wielder and summon devils.
The staff landed in a forested region, where it was soon discovered by a curious traveler. The traveler picked up the staff and felt its power pulsing through him. He also heard a voice in his head, whispering dark promises and threats.
The voice belonged to Zarathos, who had used his bond with the staff to communicate with its new wielder. He tried to persuade him to join him in Avernus, offering him power and glory in exchange for his loyalty. He also warned him that if he refused, he would suffer unimaginable torment for eternity.
The traveler was tempted by Zarathos’ words. He felt a strong urge to obey him, but he also felt a spark of curiosity in his heart. He wondered what he could do with such a powerful weapon, what secrets it held, what wonders it could show him. He decided to keep it for himself, without pledging allegiance to Zarathos.
Zarathos was amused by this defiance. He did not mind that the traveler did not join him, as long as he used the staff for evil purposes. He decided to let him have some fun with it, while also testing his limits and loyalty. He occasionally sent him messages or visions through the staff, giving him hints or challenges or taunts. He also sometimes summoned devils through the staff, either to help or hinder or mock him.
The traveler became obsessed with the staff. He used it for various deeds, both good and evil, but mostly evil. He enjoyed its power and its mystery, but he also feared its curse and its master. The traveler wandered across the land with the staff in his hand. He encountered many people and places along his way: some friendly, some hostile; some mundane, some magical; some beautiful, some horrific. He left behind a trail of fire and blood wherever he went.
Tags:cursedevilfiendfirelorelower planesspells

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