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Rune of the Mountain King

wondrous item, legendary (requires attunement)

Rune of the Mountain King

This rune is carved on a large stone tablet that Dovregubben, troll king in the mountain, keeps in his hall. It glows with a faint blue light and emits a low hum. The rune is a symbol of Dovregubben's power and authority over the mountains and the trolls.

Troll king's authority

While attuned to this rune, trolls and giants are friendly towards you and you have advantage on Charisma (Persuasion) checks against them. You can also read and write giant.

Troll's Strength

While attuned to the rune, your Strength score becomes 23, unless it is already higher.


You can use a bonus action to activate the rune, causing you to grow in size for 1 minute. You can increase your size by one or two categories, up to a maximum of Huge. You can’t use this feature if there isn’t enough room for you to grow. You can end the effect early as a bonus action.
While you are enlarged by this rune, you gain the following benefits:
  • You have advantage on Strength checks and Strength saving throws.
  • Your Strength score becomes 27, unless it is already higher.
  • Your weapons also grow to match your new size. While these weapons are enlarged, your attacks with them deal extra damage. When you roll damage, double the weapon’s damage dice. For example, if you hit with a greatsword that normally deals slashing damage, you instead deal slashing damage.
  • You gain temporary hit points equal to twice your level.
  • You have sunlight sensitivity. While in sunlight, you have disadvantage on attack rolls, as well as on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight.


The Rune of the Mountain King is a relic of ancient times, when the trolls ruled the lands under the mountains. It was forged by Dovregubben, the greatest of the troll kings, who carved his own essence into the stone. He used the rune to command his subjects, to challenge his enemies, and to shape the earth to his will. The rune was a source of awe and fear for all who beheld it, for it granted Dovregubben the strength and stature of a mountain.
The rune was not always in Dovregubben’s possession. He once gave it to one of his strongest warriors, a powerful jotun named Jarl. Jarl was loyal to Dovregubben and fought by his side in many battles. He proved himself worthy of the rune by single-handedly defeating a dragon that threatened to destroy the mountain. The dragon was a fearsome beast with scales, claws, and breath of fire. Jarl faced the dragon in a fierce duel, using his strength and courage to overcome it. He brought the dragon’s scales to Dovregubben as a trophy, and Dovregubben acknowledged him and gave him the rune as a sign of his respect and recognition.
Jarl cherished the rune and passed it down to his descendants, who became known as the Jarlsons. The Jarlsons were respected and feared among the jotuns, for they inherited Jarl’s might and valor. They also inherited his loyalty to Dovregubben, and they swore to serve him as their king. The rune remained in their family for generations, but it's current whereabouts are not known.
Tags:advantagebonus actiongiantlorepersuasionshapeshiftstrengthtemporary hp

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