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Star Ruby Focus

wondrous item, rare (requires attunement by a spellcaster)

Star Ruby Focus

This brass disc is intricately engraved with magical symbols and runes. At the center of the disc is a star-shaped ruby that glows with a fiery red light when spells are cast using the focus.


When you cast a spell of 1st level or higher that deals damage using this focus, the spell deals an additional fire damage.


The Star Ruby Spell Focus was created by a skilled dwarf artificer gemologist named Bromar Stonefist who lived in the mountains of the north. Bromar was known for his exceptional skill in crafting magical items, and he spent many years studying the properties of gemstones and their use in spellcasting.
One day, while exploring a deep cavern, Bromar discovered a rare and powerful star ruby. He immediately recognized its potential as a spellcasting focus and set to work crafting the Star Ruby Spell Focus. Bromar spent many months working on the focus, carefully engraving it with magical symbols and imbuing it with the power of fire.
The Star Ruby Spell Focus quickly gained a reputation among the spellcasting community as a powerful and versatile tool. Many adventurers sought out Bromar to commission their own version of the focus, but he refused all offers, preferring to keep the secret of its creation to himself.
As the years passed, Bromar grew old and eventually passed away, taking the secret of the Star Ruby Spell Focus with him. However, the focus continued to be passed down from generation to generation, and its reputation only grew with time.
Tags:firegemlorespell attackSpell Save DCspells

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