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Stormspike, Dark Iron Spear of the Far Realm

weapon (spear), rare (requires attunement)

Stormspike, Dark Iron Spear of the Far Realm
Illustration: AI generated by Timmmi

This spear is crafted from dark, almost black iron that shimmers faintly with an inner blue glow. Jagged, corrupted lightning occasionally runs in erratic lines along the shaft.

Lightning's Touch

You can use a bonus action to channel lightning through the spear. On your next hit with the spear in that round, the target takes an extra lightning damage.

Banishment to the Far Realm

When you strike a creature with The Stormspike, you can invoke its power to tear open a rift to the Far Realm. The target must make a Charisma saving throw (DC 13). On a failed save, the creature is ripped through the rift, taking psychic damage as it is briefly tormented by the eldritch horrors before being spat back out at the end of its next turn, reappearing in the space it left or the nearest unoccupied space.
Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.

Whispers from the Void

As you grip the spear, you hear faint whispers in a language you cannot understand. These whispers drive you mad if you wield the spear for too long. At the end of each long rest you make while attuned to the spear, roll and consult the table below. After gaining a form of madness 3 times you are immune to this effect.
1-2You gain a form of indefinite madness.
3-5You gain a form of long-term madness.
6-10You gain a form of short-term madness.
11-100Nothing happens.
See page 260 of the DMG or for details about madness.


This item was made as a welcome gift for my Patreon subscriber, Donald, who gave me the inspiration for this item.


Long ago there lived a humble blacksmith named Thrain. Unlike his peers, Thrain was not content with crafting ordinary tools and horseshoes; he yearned to forge a weapon of legend, one that would be spoken of for generations to come.
Thrain’s opportunity came when a mysterious traveler, cloaked in shadows, visited his forge. The traveler spoke of a distant realm where storms raged with unbridled fury and offered Thrain a shard of dark iron, pulsating with an inner blue glow. Intrigued by the metal’s unique properties, Thrain accepted the challenge to craft a spear unlike any other.
Night after night, Thrain toiled, the dark iron resisting every hammer blow, yet he persevered. As the spear took shape, it seemed to whisper secrets of the Far Realm, filling Thrain’s dreams with visions of lightning and chaos. He named his creation Stormspike, a tribute to the tempestuous energy it contained.
Word of the legendary spear spread quickly, and soon, a renowned warrior named Kael sought out Thrain. Kael was no ordinary fighter; he was a seeker of arcane knowledge and a battler of eldritch horrors. He believed that Stormspike was the key to his quest to protect the realms from the encroaching darkness.
Together, Thrain and Kael tested the spear’s might, channeling lightning through its core and striking at phantoms conjured by Kael’s magic. Each successful trial bonded Kael more deeply with Stormspike, until the whispers from the void became a guiding voice in his mind.
Kael’s adventures with Stormspike became the stuff of legend. He traversed treacherous landscapes, faced unspeakable creatures, and even tore open rifts to the Far Realm to banish his foes. Yet, he never succumbed to the madness that the spear threatened. Instead, he learned to harness the whispers, using them to anticipate the movements of his enemies and to navigate the ever-shifting politics of Khorvaire.
As time passed, Kael became a guardian of balance, ensuring that the power of Stormspike was used for the greater good. He passed on his knowledge to a select few, creating a lineage of warriors who would wield the spear with honor and wisdom.
Tags:+1+2bonus actionlightningloremeleepatreonpiercingpsychicsimplethrownversatile

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