Set item layout:

The Devourer

weapon (firearm), very rare (requires attunement)

The Devourer
Illustration: AI generated by Timmmi

This firearm consists of a metal sphere attached to a barrel-like tube. The sphere has a small crystal window that reveals the tiny sphere of annihilation inside, which consumes any object that enters it. The tube ends in a metal nozzle that can direct the sphere’s movement or fire a blast of energy. The firearm has a trigger with a large handguard below the tube. The firearm is made of shiny brass-like metal and dark steel, giving it a sleek and elegant appearance.


You can use this firearm as a ranged weapon with the following properties: range 30/60, two-handed. It deals force damage on a hit.

Multiattack restriction

You can only attack with this weapon once per turn, regardless of any extra attack features you have.


The firearm has 10 charges and gains 1 charge when it consumes a nonmagical object or 5 charges when it consumes a magical object. As an action, you can pull the trigger and aim the nozzle at a Small or smaller object that is not being worn or carried by another creature within 30 feet of you. The object is sucked into the tube and destroyed permanently.


Once per day, as an action, you can unleash a blast of energy from the nozzle. Make a ranged attack roll against a target within 60 feet of you. If the attack hits, the target takes force damage per charge and you expend all your remaining charges. If the attack misses, you do not expend any charges. If you expend all your charges with this feature, the weapon becomes inert and cannot be used to attack, devour or annihilate until the next dawn.


The Devourer was the creation of a brilliant but mad artificer named Varnax. He was obsessed with the secrets of the cosmos and the mysteries of creation and destruction. He believed that by harnessing the power of a sphere of annihilation, he could unlock the ultimate knowledge and become a god.
Varnax spent years researching and experimenting with various methods of containing and controlling a sphere of annihilation. He devised a complex mechanism that used arcane magic and special materials to trap the sphere inside a metal sphere and direct its movement and effects through a barrel-like tube. He called his invention The Devourer, for it could consume anything in its path and unleash devastating force.
Varnax tested his device on various objects and creatures, destroying them with ease and delight. He was convinced that he had created the most powerful weapon in existence, and that he could use it to conquer the world and reshape it in his image. He planned to unleash The Devourer on the nearest city, but before he could do so, he was betrayed by one of his assistants, who feared his madness and ambition.
The assistant stole The Devourer and fled from Varnax’s laboratory, hoping to find a way to destroy it or hide it from him. Varnax pursued him with rage and vengeance, but along the way, he encountered a group of adventurers who had heard of his evil deeds and sought to stop him. A fierce battle ensued, during which The Devourer was used by both sides, causing massive destruction and chaos.
The outcome of the battle is unknown, but legend has it that The Devourer was lost or buried somewhere in the aftermath, waiting for someone to find it and unleash its power again. Some say that Varnax survived and is still searching for his creation, while others say that he perished along with his enemies. Either way, The Devourer remains a dangerous and coveted item, a source of awe and terror for those who know of its existence.
Tags:actionammunitionartificerattack rolldamage rollforceloadingloremartialrangedranged attacksaving throw

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