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The Traveler's Cloak

wondrous item (cloak), rare

The Traveler's Cloak
Illustration: AI generated by Timmmi

This cloak is made from a soft, shifting fabric that seems to change color with the light. It is said that the cloak was woven by a powerful wizard who loved to travel the world. The wizard imbued the cloak with magic to help him on his journeys.

Protection from the Elements

The Traveler's Cloak is made from a magical fabric that can protect the wearer from the elements. While wearing it you will never be too hot or too cold, and you are immune to the effects of strong winds, rain, and snow.

Finding Your Way

The Traveler's Cloak can also help the wearer find their way. You can always tell which direction you are facing, even if you are lost. The cloak can also help you find your way to a specific destination, if you know where it is. You can cast the Find the Path (divination)
Level: 6
Casting Time: 1 minute
Concentration: Yes
Ritual: No

Determine the shortest and most direct physical path to reach a known destination.

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spell without using a spell slot. Once you use this feature you can't use it again for days.

Shrouding veil

The cloak can also help the wearer blend in with their surroundings, making them less likely to be noticed by enemies. While wearing the cloak you have advantage on Stealth (Dexterity) checks to avoid being seen.

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