Set item layout:


wondrous item, very rare


The bottle contains a tiny house that looks like it has been built and expanded over time. The house has several stories and different styles of architecture. The house is surrounded by a small garden with trees, flowers, and herbs. The house and the garden look cozy and inviting, as if they were waiting for someone to come and live in them.

Restful Retreat

This glass bottle contains a miniature house that can be accessed by speaking a command word and shrinking yourself to fit inside. The house has six rooms that can be customized to suit your needs, such as a bedroom, a laboratory, a workshop, a bakery, or any other kind of room you can think of. You can change the function and appearance of any room by spending 8 hours of work and 500 gp worth of materials per room.
While inside the house, you are protected from the elements and any harm that might befall the bottle. You can also rest comfortably and benefit from the effects of a long rest in half the time. You can store any items you want inside the house, as they will shrink with you when you enter and return to their normal size when you exit. The house can accommodate up to four Medium or smaller creatures at a time. You can exit the house by speaking another command word and returning to your normal size outside the bottle.

Breaking the Bottle

The bottle has an AC of 10 and 5 hit points. The bottle is unaffected by spells and other effects that are not targeted at it specifically. If the bottle is reduced to 0 hit points, it shatters and the house is destroyed.
If the bottle is broken while you are inside the house, you are ejected from the bottle and return to your normal size, but you take force damage and the house is destroyed. The bottle can be repaired by casting Mending (transmutation)
Level: 0
Casting Time: 1 minute
Concentration: No
Ritual: No

Repair break or tear in an object (broken chain link, two halves of a broken key, torn cloak, leaking wineskin, etc).

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on it. The house is also restored, but all the rooms will be empty and need to be furnished again.

Guardian Golem

A guardian golem resides in the house and obeys your commands. The golem is a clay golem that has been modified to have an Intelligence score of 10 and the ability to speak Common. The golem can perform any tasks that you assign it, such as cleaning, cooking, guarding, or fighting. The golem cannot be removed from the bottle by any means.


The Home-in-a-Bottle is a magnificent magic item that was created by a brilliant halfling inventor named Bodo Goodbarrel. Bodo was fascinated by the wonders of magic and technology, and he wanted to combine them in his creations. He also loved traveling and exploring new lands, but he hated leaving behind the comforts of home. He decided to create a device that would allow him to carry his home with him wherever he went, and thus the Home-in-a-Bottle was born.
Bodo spent years working on his masterpiece, gathering rare materials, crafting intricate mechanisms, and enchanting them with powerful spells. He designed the house to be spacious, comfortable, and customizable, with rooms that could suit any purpose or preference. He never stopped tinkering with his house, adding new rooms and features as he discovered new wonders and challenges. His house was an everlasting work in progress, reflecting his curiosity and creativity.
Bodo used his Home-in-a-Bottle to travel across the world, visiting exotic places and meeting interesting people. He often shared his house with his friends and allies, offering them hospitality and protection. He also used his house as a base for his experiments and inventions, creating new wonders and discoveries. Bodo became famous for his genius and generosity, and many sought his advice or assistance.
Bodo's Home-in-a-Bottle was his greatest achievement and his most prized possession. He never parted with it, even when he grew old and frail. He died peacefully in his bed, surrounded by his loved ones and his creations. His Home-in-a-Bottle was passed down to his descendants, who continued his legacy of exploration and innovation.
Tags:loreno attunementstorageteleportation

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