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The Wilted Squire

wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)

The Wilted Squire
Illustration: Timmmi (using AI-tools like Midjourney & Dall-E)

This potted plant looks like a wilted flower, but it has a faint aura of magic and a tiny metal tag that reads “Remfrey”. The plant is actually a former squire who was cursed by a wild magic surge and then transported to various planes of existence before ending up in the feywild. The plant is sentient and can communicate telepathically with anyone who attunes to it.

The Squire's Courage

While attuned to The Wilted Squire, you have advantage on saving throws against being frightened.

Fey Teleportation

You can cast the misty step spell once per day without using a spell slot or components. You must be holding or touching the plant to do so.

Remfrey's Advice

You can ask Remfrey for advice on any topic related to history, arcana, or the planes. Remfrey has a +5 bonus to these checks and can share his knowledge with you telepathically. However, Remfrey is also pessimistic, sarcastic, and bitter about his fate, so his advice may not always be helpful or encouraging.


The Wilted Squire has a personality of its own and may not always cooperate with you. It may also try to persuade you to find a way to lift its curse and restore its human form. If you ever mistreat or neglect the plant, it may become resentful and hostile towards you.

Remfrey's Redemption

If you wish to restore Remfrey to his human form, you must find a powerful fey creature who can reverse the effects of the wild magic surge. This may require completing a quest, making a deal, or performing a favor for the fey. Alternatively, you may seek out a powerful spellcaster who can cast Wish (conjuration)
Level: 9
Casting Time: 1 action
Concentration: No
Ritual: No

Duplicate a 8th level spell or lower without components, or create another effect at the DMs discretion.

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or True Polymorph (transmutation)
Level: 9
Casting Time: 1 action
Concentration: Yes
Ritual: No

Transform a creature or object into a new form (creature <-> object). The new form can be permanent.

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on Remfrey.
If you succeed in lifting Remfrey’s curse, he will be grateful and loyal to you. He will resume his role as a squire and serve you faithfully. He will also retain his knowledge of history, arcana, and the planes, as well as his ability to cast misty step once per day. However, he will lose his telepathy and his advantage on saving throws against being frightened.


Siriagus who DMed this campaign and roleplayed Remfrey.
CheeseSucker who played as Sir Berenger and brought Remfrey into our party.


Remfrey was a young and eager squire who dreamed of becoming a knight like his master, Sir Berenger. He had joined Sir Berenger’s adventuring party, a group of brave and skilled heroes who explored the mysteries and dangers of the world. Remfrey admired them all, but especially Sir Berenger, who was a noble and courageous warrior.
The party consisted of Sir Berenger, a human fighter; Titus Phoenixwing, a human sorcerer; Agatha Valois, an elf rogue; and Timmmi Horcusporcus, a gnome wizard who loved to experiment with magic.
One day, Timmmi had a brilliant idea. He had found an ancient tome that described how to create a magical illusory world that could be shaped by the caster’s imagination. He wanted to test it out and invited his friends to join him. He assured them that it was safe and fun, and that they could explore the wonders of his creation.
They agreed, and Timmmi cast the spell. They entered a portal that led them to a magnificent palace filled with lavish rooms, exotic gardens, and splendid treasures. They marveled at the sights and sounds of Timmmi’s world, and enjoyed themselves for a while.
However, things soon went wrong. Timmmi had underestimated the complexity and power of the spell. He could not control all the aspects of his world, and some of them started to malfunction. The illusions became unstable and unpredictable. The palace began to change shape and color. The gardens turned into swamps and deserts. The treasures turned into traps and monsters. The party realized that they had to escape before the world collapsed on them. They ran back to entrance, but it the palace had rearranged itself and the entrance had moved to another location in the palace. They had to find it quickly. They fought their way through the chaotic illusions, dodging fireballs, arrows, spikes, and beasts. Remfrey followed Sir Berenger closely, trying to keep up with him. He was scared but determined to prove himself.
They finally reached the door and jumped through it. They expected to return to their original location, but instead they found themselves in a dark and gloomy place. They had entered the Shadowfell, the plane of shadows and despair. They had no idea how this happened. Timmmi guessed that his spell had somehow damaged the fabric of reality and opened a rift to another plane.
They looked around and saw that they were in a graveyard surrounded by tombstones and skeletons. A cold wind blew through the air. They felt a sense of dread and hopelessness. They decided to find a portal that could take them back home. They searched the graveyard for any signs of magic or life, but they found nothing but death and decay.
Then they noticed something odd. One of them was missing. It was Remfrey. They did not see him anywhere. They called his name and looked for him. They found nothing but a potted plant next to a tombstone. The plant looked like a bright red poppy. It had a tiny metal tag that read “Remfrey”. They were shocked and confused by what they saw. They did not understand how this could have happened.
Timmmi examined the plant and decided to check if it was magical. He cast a detect magic spell, but this triggered another wild magic surge. The surge erupted from Timmmi and hit the plant, which vanished in a flash of light. Remfrey was gone again.
Remfrey was lost in the Astral Sea, a vast and mysterious plane where thoughts and dreams shaped reality. He had no idea how long he had been there, or if he would ever get out. He could not move or speak, but he could still think and feel. He was lonely and scared. He missed his friends and his master. He wondered if they were looking for him, or if they had given up on him.
He also wondered if he would ever be human again. He hated being a plant. He felt trapped and helpless. He wished he could undo the curse that had befallen him. He tried to remember his life before the curse. He remembered his home, his family, his training. He remembered how he had joined Sir Berenger’s party and how he had admired them. He remembered their adventures and their battles. He remembered their laughter and their friendship.
He also remembered their last adventure, the one that had changed everything. He remembered Timmmi’s spell, the illusory palace, the wild magic surges and the Shadowfell. He wished he could go back to that day and do things differently. He wished he could avoid the surges that had turned him into a plant and sent him to different planes.
He wished he could see his friends again. He wished he could see Sir Berenger again, but he knew it was unlikely. He knew he was doomed to be a plant forever and he knew he was doomed to be alone forever. He cried silent tears that no one could see or hear.
Then he felt something strange, he felt a tug on his roots and felt a pull on his mind. he felt a shift in his surroundings and he saw a flash of light. He was moving again.
He found himself in another plane, one that was even more chaotic and unpredictable than the illusory palace or the Astral Sea; He found himself in the Feywild, the plane of faeries and magic.
Remfrey spent many years in the Feywild. He was still a potted plant, but he had been moved around by various creatures and forces. He had seen many wonders and horrors in the Feywild, but he had also suffered many hardships and dangers. He had been stolen by pixies who used him as a toy. He had been pranked by sprites who poured honey and vinegar on him. He had been cursed by hags who made him grow thorns and weeds. He had been hunted by beasts who tried to eat him. He had been burned by fire, frozen by ice, drowned by water, and buried by earth.
He had also met some kind creatures who tried to help him. He had been healed by dryads who sang to him. He had been protected by treants who sheltered him. He had been befriended by animals who kept him company. He had been blessed by unicorns who gave him hope.
But none of them could undo his curse or take him back home. They could only offer him temporary comfort and solace.
He had also encountered some powerful fey who could have helped him, but they did not. He had seen the Summer Court and the Winter Court, the Seelie and the Unseelie, the Archfey and the Eladrin. They were beautiful and majestic, but also cruel and capricious. They did not care about his plight or his wishes. They only cared about their own whims and schemes.
He had tried to appeal to them, to beg them for mercy or assistance. But they ignored him or mocked him or used him for their own purposes. They made him a pawn in their games or a trophy in their collections. They did not see him as a person or a plant, but as an object or a curiosity.
He had given up hope of ever becoming human again. He had given up hope of ever seeing his friends again.
Tags:ability checkarcanacursedfeyfrightenedhistoryloreneutralplantsaving throwsentientspellswish

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