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Uprooted Tree

weapon (greatclub), uncommon

Uprooted Tree
Illustration: AI generated by Timmmi

This colossal club is actually a whole oak tree that you somehow managed to uproot and swing around. It is so heavy that only the most powerful warriors can wield it effectively.

Very Heavy

This weapon weighs 250 pounds. You have disadvantage on attack rolls with this weapon if your Strength score is less than 20.

Powerful Build

If you have the powerful build feature, you can ignore the disadvantage on attack rolls with this weapon if your Strength score is 18 or higher.


This weapon deals bludgeoning damage on a hit, instead of the normal .


The most effective solution is to wield brute force with unyielding determination.
- Gruff Ironbark
In the rugged heartlands of the Ironwood Forest, where ancient oaks stood tall and gnarled, there lived a man named Gruff Ironbark. Gruff was no knight in shining armor, nor a master of finesse. He was a brute—a brawler with fists like boulders and a temper to match.
Gruff’s life had been one of hardship. Born to a family of lumberjacks, he grew up swinging an axe, felling trees with the same ease that most people breathe. But Gruff was different. His strength was unmatched, and his rage, unbridled. He had no patience for the delicate arts of swordplay or archery. No, Gruff preferred the direct approach: hit hard, hit fast, and let the chips fall where they may.
One fateful day, Gruff found himself embroiled in a feud with the Blackthorn Clan, a band of ruthless marauders who terrorized the Ironwood settlements. They had razed villages, stolen livestock, and left a trail of blood in their wake. The villagers whispered of their leader—a hulking brute named Grimm Skullsplitter—a man who reveled in chaos and destruction.
Gruff’s family had suffered at the hands of the Blackthorns. His father lay in an unmarked grave, and his sister’s screams still haunted his dreams. When the clan descended upon Gruff’s own hamlet, he knew he had to act. But his trusty axe was nowhere to be found. It had been stolen during a drunken brawl at the local tavern.
Desperation fueled Gruff’s rage. He stormed into the heart of the Ironwood, seeking vengeance. And there, amidst the ancient oaks, he stumbled upon a sight that would change his fate forever: an oak tree, its roots exposed, torn from the earth by a recent storm.
Gruff’s eyes widened. The tree was massive, its trunk as thick as a castle gate. Its branches sprawled like the arms of a titan. And in that moment, Gruff made a decision. He would wield this uprooted oak as his weapon—a weapon that would strike fear into the hearts of the Blackthorns.
He heaved the tree onto his shoulder, its gnarled roots scraping against his skin. The weight was immense, but Gruff grinned. He felt the primal energy of the forest coursing through him—the same energy that had sustained the ancient oaks for centuries. The Uprooted Oak became an extension of his wrath.
When Gruff confronted the Blackthorns, Grimm Skullsplitter laughed. “What’s this? A tree for a weapon? You’re a fool, Ironbark!”
But Gruff swung the Uprooted Oak with all his might. The impact shattered bones, splintered shields, and sent men flying like leaves in a storm. The ground trembled with each blow, and the air smelled of crushed pine and vengeance.
Grimm Skullsplitter charged, his sword gleaming. But Gruff caught the blade with the Uprooted Oak, snapping it like a twig. He roared, and the very earth quaked. The Blackthorns scattered, their bravado replaced by terror.
The battle raged on, and Gruff fought like a force of nature. When the dust settled, Grimm Skullsplitter lay broken, and the Blackthorns fled. Gruff stood victorious, the Uprooted Oak resting on his shoulder—a symbol of brute strength, unyielding resolve, and the truth that sometimes, finesse mattered less than sheer power. The villagers hailed him as a hero, and the legend of Gruff Ironbark echoed through the Ironwood
Tags:+1+2attack rollbludgeoningdisadvantageheavyloremeleeno attunementsimplestrengthtwo handedtwo-handed

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