Astral Origin
Homebrew subclass for Sorcerer

At 1st level, you choose the source of your connection to the astral sea. This could be a powerful entity in the astral sea, such as a god, a primordial, or an elder evil; a result of exposure to the astral sea, such as a portal, a planar rift, or a near-death experience; or perhaps you were born there, either as a native or a descendant of planar travelers.
Astral Spells#
1st-level Astral Origin feature.You learn additional spells when you reach certain levels in this class, as shown on the Astral Spells table. Each of these spells counts as a sorcerer spell for you, but it doesn’t count against the number of sorcerer spells you know.Sorcerer Level | Spells |
1st | , |
3rd | , |
5th | , |
7th | , |
9th | , |
Astral Shield#
1st-level Astral Origin feature.You gain the ability to create a protective barrier of astral energy. As a reaction when you or a creature within 30 feet of you takes damage, you can use your reaction to reduce the damage by an amount equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of 1). Additionally, you can expend sorcery points to further reduce the damage. For every sorcery point you spend, the damage is reduced by 5 points.Astral Aura#
6th-level Astral Origin feature.You radiate an aura of astral energy that affects yourself and your allies within 10 feet of you. You and any ally in your aura gain advantage on saving throws against effects that would banish, charm, frighten, paralyze, petrify, or stun you. Additionally, when you or an ally in your aura hits a creature with an attack or a spell that deals damage, you can use your reaction to add your Charisma modifier (minimum of +1) to the damage roll as force damage.Astral Movement#
14th-level Astral Origin feature.You gain the ability to move through space by simply thinking about moving. You gain a flying (hover) and swimming speed, and can move in any direction. Your speed speed (in feet) is equal to 3 × your Intelligence score (minimum 30 feet). This movement ignores the effects of strong winds, underwater currents or other effects unless you choose to be affected by them.Astral Ally#
18th-level Astral Origin feature.You gain the ability to project an astral dreadnought from the astral plane to your location. As an action, you can expend 5 sorcery points to project an astral dreadnaught to an unoccupied space within 60 feet of you. The projection is friendly to you and follows your commands. It uses the Astral Dreadnought’s stat block, but it has 150 hit points and has no legendary resistance or legendary actions. The projection acts immediately after you in combat. The projection remains for up to 1 hour, until you use your action to end the projection, or it is destroyed. If the projection is destroyed, the link between you and the dreadnought is severed, but the dreadnought itself is unharmed in the astral sea. Once you use this feature you cannot do so again until you complete a long rest.This feature does not work if you are on the astral plane.
Once you use this feature, you can’t do so again until you finish a long rest.
Tags:forcesorcererreactiontemporary hpcharmedfrightenedparalyzedpetrifiedstunnedflyinghoverswimmingadvantagesaving throwspellssummon