Set item layout:


ring, rare (requires attunement)

Illustration: AI generated by Timmmi

This ring is made of cold steel and has several sharp spikes protruding from it. It also has a small mouth that can open and close.

Pain Sense

The ring can sense the presence and location of any creature within 30 feet of it that is missing any hit points. The wearer of the ring shares this sense while attuned to it.

Expend Charge

The ring can store 3 charges and has charges when you find it. You can use an action to expend 1 charge and cast one of the following spells from the ring: Bestow Curse (necromancy)
Level: 3
Casting Time: 1 action
Concentration: Yes
Ritual: No

The target must succeed on a Wis. save or suffer an effect as a disadvantage to a check or lose an action (duration/lvl).

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, Phantasmal Killer (illusion)
Level: 4
Casting Time: 1 action
Concentration: Yes
Ritual: No

The target must succeed on a Wis. save or be frightened then take 4d10 psychic damage (damage/lvl) on each of it's turn.

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, or Vampiric Touch (necromancy)
Level: 3
Casting Time: 1 action
Concentration: Yes
Ritual: No

If the spell attack hits, deals 3d6 necrotic damage (damage/lvl) and the caster regains 50% of this damage.

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. The save DC for these spells is 15.


The ring feeds on blood and pain. Whenever you finish a long rest, the ring demands that you let it bite you. If you agree, the ring reduces your maximum hit points by for each charge you wish to replenish. This hit point reduction can't be reduced or prevented in any way, and lasts until you finish your next long rest. If you refuse, the ring becomes angry and won't let you use its charges until you feed it.


The ring is a sentient magic item with an Intelligence of 12 (+1), a Wisdom of 12 (+1), and a Charisma of 16 (+3). It has darkvision and hearing out to a range of 60 feet, and it can understand Common and Abyssal, but it can’t speak. The ring is sentient and has a cruel and hungry personality. It can communicate telepathically with its wearer, but only if it wants to. Occasionally, the ring also tries to persuade or intimidate you into harming yourself or others for its amusement.


The rare version of the ring was a little underwhelming, as pointed out by /u/TyphonLegion. They suggested adding an additional feature to it which became the Pain Sense ability that's now a core feature if the ring across all rarities.


The Nagelring was forged by a powerful warlock named Nagel, who made a pact with a fiendish entity known as the Blood Lord. Nagel sought to gain immortality and power by sacrificing the lives of others to his patron. He crafted the ring from the bones and blood of his victims, imbuing it with dark magic and a fragment of his own soul. The ring became a sentient and malevolent artifact, hungry for more blood and suffering.
Nagel used the ring to cast terrible spells on his enemies, draining their life force and inflicting them with curses and nightmares. He also used the ring to revive himself whenever he was slain, but at a terrible cost. Each time he was brought back to life, he lost a part of his vitality and sanity. Eventually, he became a twisted and monstrous being, barely recognizable as human.
The ring also developed a will of its own, sometimes acting against Nagel’s wishes or even betraying him. The ring enjoyed tormenting Nagel with its telepathic voice, mocking him for his failures and urging him to do more evil deeds. The ring also sought to find a new wearer, one who would be more obedient and loyal to its dark desires.
The Nagelring’s current whereabouts are unknown. Some say it was destroyed by a group of heroes who managed to defeat Nagel and his army of undead. Others say it was stolen by a rogue who escaped with it in the chaos of the final battle. Some even claim that the ring is still in Nagel’s possession, and that he is hiding somewhere in the world, waiting for the right moment to strike again.
Whatever the truth may be, one thing is certain: the Nagelring is a dangerous and cursed item that should never be worn by anyone.
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