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The Pearl of the Deep

gemstone, rare (requires attunement)

The Pearl of the Deep
Illustration: Timmmi (using AI-tools like Midjourney & Dall-E)

This large pearl has a faint blue glow and feels cold to the touch. It was found in a chest in an old and long forgotten shipwreck that sank into the depths of the ocean. The pearl is said to contain the essence of an ancient sea creature that once ruled the waters.
While attuned to it, you gain the following benefits:

Natural Swimmer

You can breathe underwater and have a swimming speed equal to your walking speed. Also, you have resistance to cold damage.


You can cast Water Breathing (transmutation)
Level: 3
Casting Time: 1 action
Concentration: No
Ritual: Yes

Up to 10 creatures gets the ability to breathe underwater.

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and Water Walk (transmutation)
Level: 3
Casting Time: 1 action
Concentration: No
Ritual: Yes

Up to 10 creatures can move on a liquid surface (water, acid, mud, lava, etc) as if it were harmless solid ground.

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once each per day without using spell slots or components.

Aquatic Communication

You can communicate telepathically with any creature that has an innate swimming speed within 120 feet of you.

Water Blast

Once per day, you can use an action to unleash a blast of water from the pearl. Each creature in a 30-foot cone must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or take bludgeoning damage and be pushed 15 feet away from you. On a successful save, the creature takes half as much damage and is not pushed.


The pearl has a hidden curse that activates when you attune to it. You develop an obsession with the sea and feel compelled to explore its mysteries. You also become paranoid of anyone who shows interest in your pearl and fear losing it. If you are separated from your pearl for more than 24 hours, you suffer one level of exhaustion that can only be removed by reuniting with your pearl.


The Pearl of the Deep is a rare and mysterious artifact that was once the eye of a colossal sea creature known as the Leviathan. The Leviathan was a primordial being that ruled the oceans before the gods and mortals came into existence. It was said to be so large that its body spanned continents and its breath created storms. The Leviathan was worshipped by many ancient civilizations as a god of water, life, and chaos.
However, the Leviathan also had many enemies, both divine and mortal, who sought to challenge its power and claim its treasures. One of these enemies was a cunning and ambitious dragon named Vexarion, who coveted the Leviathan’s eye for its magical properties. Vexarion devised a plan to lure the Leviathan into a trap and pluck out its eye with his claws. He disguised himself as a friendly whale and approached the Leviathan with flattering words and false promises. The Leviathan, being curious and lonely, welcomed Vexarion’s company and followed him to a hidden reef where Vexarion had prepared his ambush.
There, Vexarion revealed his true form and attacked the Leviathan with his fiery breath and razor-sharp teeth. The Leviathan fought back with its massive tail and powerful jaws, but Vexarion was faster and more agile. He managed to dodge the Leviathan’s attacks and land a blow on its eye, tearing it out of its socket. Vexarion then grabbed the eye with his talons and flew away, leaving the Leviathan in agony and rage.
The eye of the Leviathan was a pearl of immense size and beauty, glowing with a soft blue light. It contained a fraction of the Leviathan’s essence and power, granting Vexarion enhanced abilities and insights. However, as Vexarion flew away with his prize, he noticed that the pearl was shrinking in his grasp. It seemed that the eye could not survive without its owner, and was losing its vitality and magic. By the time Vexarion reached his lair, the pearl had shrunk to the size of a fist, but still retained some of its glow and power.
Vexarion used the pearl to enhance his own hoard and influence, becoming one of the most feared and respected dragons in the world. He also learned many secrets of the sea from the pearl, such as the locations of sunken cities, hidden treasures, and ancient magics.
However, the pearl also had a curse. It was still connected to the Leviathan’s mind and soul, and it constantly whispered to Vexarion of its pain and anger. The pearl also yearned to return to its rightful owner, and tried to influence Vexarion’s actions and thoughts. Vexarion soon became obsessed with the pearl, spending more time with it than with anything else. He also became paranoid and distrustful of anyone who came near his hoard, fearing that they would try to steal his precious pearl.
Eventually, Vexarion’s madness reached a breaking point. He decided to leave his lair and seek out the Leviathan, hoping to appease it with his apology and offer of friendship. He flew over the ocean with the pearl in his claws, calling out for the Leviathan’s name. However, the Leviathan did not answer him with words, but with wrath. It sensed Vexarion’s presence and rose from the depths, unleashing a tidal wave that engulfed Vexarion and his pearl. The dragon was dragged down into the abyss by the Leviathan’s tentacles, never to be seen again.
The pearl was lost in the ocean for centuries…

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