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Wooden Half Plate of the Forest Guardian

armor (half plate), rare (requires attunement by a druid)

Wooden Half Plate of the Forest Guardian
Illustration: AI generated by Timmmi

This armor is made from sturdy wooden plates that have been magically treated to resist fire and rot.

Veil of the Forest

When you try to hide in natural environments such as forests, the armor’s stealth disadvantage is removed and replaced by advantage.


Once per day, as an action, you can utter a command word to transform your skin into a tough layer of bark. You gain a +2 bonus to AC, but your speed is reduced by 10 feet. This transformation lasts for 1 minute or until you use a bonus action to end it.


The armor also has 3 charges that can be used to cast one of the following spells: Entangle (conjuration)
Level: 1
Casting Time: 1 action
Concentration: Yes
Ritual: No

Creatures in a 20-ft square (difficult terrain) must succeed on a Str. save or be restrained.

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, Spike Growth (transmutation)
Level: 2
Casting Time: 1 action
Concentration: Yes
Ritual: No

Creatures in a 20-ft radius (difficult terrain) take 2d4 piercing damage for every 5 ft of movement.

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, or Plant Growth (transmutation)
Level: 3
Casting Time: 1 action or 8 hours
Concentration: No
Ritual: No

Plants in the area grow vigorously, or over a year the plants produce twice the normal amount of food.

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. The armor regains all charges at dawn.


The Wooden Half Plate of the Forest Guardian is a rare and coveted item among druids who seek to protect the natural world from harm. The armor was created by a legendary druid named Tharion Greenbark, who was the leader of a circle of forest guardians in the ancient kingdom of Eldarion. Tharion was renowned for his wisdom, courage, and skill in shaping wood and plants with his magic. He crafted the armor from the finest trees in his domain, infusing them with his own life force and the essence of the forest. He also imbued the armor with various spells that allowed him to communicate with plants, enhance his defenses, and manipulate the growth of vegetation.
Tharion wore the armor for many years, leading his circle in defending the forest from invaders, poachers, and corruptors. He was respected and feared by his enemies, who called him The Green Knight. He was also loved and revered by his allies, who called him The Forest Father. He became a legend among druids and nature lovers, and many sought to learn from him or join his circle.
However, Tharion knew that his time was coming to an end. He felt that he had fulfilled his duty as a guardian of the forest, and he wanted to return to nature as he had come from it. He decided to perform a ritual that would transfer his life force and magic to the forest, along with his armor. He gathered his circle around him at the heart of the forest, where he had planted a sacred oak tree that symbolized his bond with nature. He thanked them for their loyalty and friendship, and asked them to continue his work after he was gone. He then placed his armor on the ground, touched the oak tree with his hand, and uttered a final prayer.
The ritual was powerful and beautiful. A bright green light enveloped Tharion and his armor, as they slowly dissolved into dust. The dust then rose into the air and scattered across the forest, spreading Tharion’s spirit and magic everywhere. The oak tree glowed with a radiant energy, and its branches grew larger and stronger. The forest became more vibrant and alive than ever before.
But Tharion’s legacy did not end there. Somehow, some fragments of his armor survived the ritual, along with some seeds from his oak tree. Over time, these fragments grew into new wooden plates, infused with Tharion’s spirit and magic. The seeds also sprouted into new saplings, forming a small grove around the plates.
The forest continued to produce new sets of armor every now and then, as a gift from Tharion to those who would protect nature as he did.
Tags:+2ability checkactionadvantagedruidloreplantspellsstealth

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